Dogger wakes up Dogger and stays that way. Sometimes she is a bad Dogger and sometimes she’s a good Dogger, but she is always Dogger. Its’ very comforting. On a day to day basis, she pretty much always acts the same way. She doesn’t like being used a pillow, which I think would be a very good use of her enormous bulk. I’m trying to make her believe that all dogs like helping their people out that way. That by being a supportive Dogger that she is just joining a long line of Doggers that have served their people. She doesn’t like it, She is very consistent on this.
Kitty. Kitty on the other hand. Sometimes he will be all about letting me exploit his pillow-y like attributes. He will let me make myself right at home and he has no problems. He’s very soft and has no bones at all. He’s like some sort of bewitched down pillow. I have actually fallen asleep on kittlow - not for very long, but I did dose off for a minute there.
This is why I keep trying. Sometimes Kitty is all about making me happy. He does, really. He seems to want me to be happy. This is the Kitty I call Baby Kitty. Baby Kitty lurves me. Baby Kitty wants to curl up on my lap and watch TV with me, Baby Kitty wants to sleep on the end of the bed and keep my feet warm. Baby Kitty wakes me up at about 8:30 in the morning tapping me with a tiny paw. If that doesn’t do it, Baby Kitty will curl up on my pillow and pur in my ear. This is the Kitty who plays with the Cat Dancer and acts like a real Kitten. Baby Kitty is the sweetest kitty ever. Pretty much, I only see Baby Kitty on the weekends. Sometimes he shows up during the week, to lay across my newspaper and be all kitty like, but for the most part, Baby Kitty only works weekends and evenings, Baby Kitty meets me at the door in the evening, purring.
The other Kitty, I call Mean Kitty knocks stuff of shelves and tears up things because he thinks it’s time to eat. Mean Kitty will stop at nothing to get his kibble. Kitty keeps track of what things make the most noise when they fall to the floor. He sits there with a little stop watch to see what noise makes me step to the fastest. He doesn’t even bother with the paper towels or sponges. He really likes the knife rack, that’s his very favorite. He doesn’t even have to bother getting it to the edge of the counter, it makes a huge amount of noise just tipping it over and letting the knives scatter on the counter top. He also discovered that I go to investigate the sound of dishes hitting the floor. Mean Kitty may have thumbs.
Mean Kitty is not the same as Hungry Kitty . Mean Kitty most of the time Is hungry, but sometimes we just wants his box cleaned. Hungry wants his Food and he wants it now. He’ll sit in the kitchen and yowl until there is food in his bowl. Hungry wakes me up a night to give him more food. Hungry kitty is picky about his kibble. Hungry knows that dinner kibble just isn’t at its freshest and that by 4:20 am, the kibble needs to be refreshed. He comes into my room and begins to shred whatever paper he can find. I think he brings it in during the day while I’m at work. Thanks to Hungry, I have dressers drawers full of check stubs and receipts I’ve pulled away from him so I could go back to sleep. Hungry Kitty doesn’t sleep, ever. And if I want to sleep, ever , I have to feed Hungry, who immediately upon getting his kibble, morphs into Baby Kitty. Bastard Kitty.
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