Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Weather or not

For those of you keeping track, its pouring rain in the Dianaverse. Again . To quote a woman in the hall, telling us to put our car windows up "it's raining like a son of a bitch outside". I suppose it is nessary to make it clear the rain is outside as opposed to inside, it is an old building and we do have a sizable hole in the hallway ceiling though which we can see the sky, but… it is raining like a son of a bitch and if you listen carefully you can hear my basement flooding.

It's raining because when I got back from lunch I had to park in the boonies. I didn't have to park out there really, I ended up out there because I'm not entirely comfortable backing the vans bulk up. I'm not sure where the back of the van is yet and every time I back it out of a parking space where there are cars behind me, I have a stress reaction. So, I parked where I couldn't hurt anybody. And I wore a white shirt today and I didn't bring an umbrella or raincoat, so together with the parking situation I could all but end the western drought.

I let Dogger visit the wetlands yesterday for the first time since the nephdogs went home. She had a great time, such a great time that she didn't even take it upon herself to eat the hose that I stupidly left out where she could get it. I think it started to rain again and she was looking to get back in the house and less on what she could destroy while she was out there. The nephdogs took it upon themselves while they were here to separate my iris plants, which really needed to be done, now there are significantly fewer iris plants then I was seeing before. I hadn't really noticed that before, I try not to notice anything out there. As long as what I'm not really looking at is tinged green; I'm not going to look at it too closely.

Speaking of wetlands and marshes. I saw wild life! It wasn't in the wetlands, but I did find a gutted dead rat in my front yard last week, so I know something is out there eating rats. Which is good. The other three rats I saw where not dead or gutted and that was a problem. Two of the rats I saw were little rats, just souped up mice and they were the right size to get eaten by the feral cats, so that was gross but all right. I mean, there is a market for smallish rats. Then there was the huge, nasty gross ghetto rat I saw did was also not really in my neighborhood but it was gross and not at all right. Ew. It was bigger then the feral cats and I am pretty sure it was dancing. A huge nasty, dancing ghetto rat! This rat was so big I think it was featured in the opening credits of an early Eddie Murphy movie. It was all Woo-Hoo! nananaboo boo! You don't even want to go there! Not gonna catch me! I'm going to jump around and be all nasty, I'm going to do the rat lambada with this rotten sneaker, I'm so nasty! I hope the wretched thing drowned in the downpour.

I also saw a very confused Fox, I was like "Fox, do you know where you are? Do you have any idea?" and he was all "Dear God! I'm in the ghetto! " and I was all "No honey! The ghetto is a couple of blocks that way, this area is just redlined".

Oh, look it's raining again. It must be time to walk out to my car.

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