Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Yup, He's Dead.

Since I don't actually watch television news I have missed out on the mass public mourning. Or as it really is, the mass public mourning of FAUX news. The democrats are saying nice things about the man too. But folks said nice things about Nixon too, after he was safely dead.

I do want every one to notice, it has been more then three days and he hasn't risen. I think the GOP's dream of a Risen Reagan isn't going to happen.

The Reagan cultists are out in force. Some loon out in California is beating the drum to get Ron on the dime or the $5 or the $10, really anything he can put in his pocket and fondle.

They do add, however it would only be half of the dimes, FDR being allowed to stay on the other half. A nation divided. Blue and red dimes. Who would have thought it?

There is also talk of adding Ron to Mount Rushmore. The Reagan cultist are just completely out of their minds, despite the recent body blow of Nancy refusing to let them start up a Ronald Reagan University. That must have been a bummer. After all the successes of Reagan this and Reagan that, all the streets, the Airport, the parks. All of a sudden a refusal. Their desire to paint the world Ronny hit a snag. Nancy said No! , preferring to keep the educational focus on the Ronald Reagan Library.

And he surrounded himself with such good people as well. James Watt, Ollie North, such fine upstanding men. And his administration did such good work in Afghanistan! Keeping those oil fields safe from the commies and making friends with such wonderful future leaders. Bin laden! Ron just loved handing him weapons and money. Good Times! If it wasn't for freedom fighters such as him and his fun bunch gosh, 3000 Americans would still be alive, the police state under which we live wouldn't exist and our solders wouldn't be dying in a hostile land.

Thanks Ronnie for feeding, training and arming what would become the Talaban! With friends like those who needs enemies to murder your own people.
I'm sure that will come up in his eulogy, right around the spiraling debt and rape of our public lands.

Or exploding homelessness or the administrations refusal to recognize AIDS or GRID as it was referred to then - it didn't become AIDS until it started to kill non-gays, you couldn't call it Gay Related Immune Disorder when it was killing heterosexual four year olds.

Of course, to Ron it was still, somehow, their fault.

I remember when he was shot. I was in the sixth grade and the teachers were herding us out to the playground for recess when over the loud speaker the school secretary announced The President has Been Shot! , of course everyone over the age of twelve breathed a whisper of thanks he did not get shot here. Not in Dallas, not again. One of the little boys raised his arms and said "YEAH! he was quickly hustled into a classroom. That is all I remember about that.

I just checked, he's still dead.

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