Wednesday, July 7, 2004

The Day After

I think that there should be a mandatory step down day off after a long weekend. On the "step down" day off, you would have to spend the day at home. You would have to get up at a reasonable time, but for most of the day you would just have to be still. A long weekend takes a lot out of you! I think we need an additional day off just to recover, take naps, rest. But not too many naps or any prolonged resting, because you will have to go to bed at the regular time and be prepared to get up early.

I just do not feeling like working today. I feel like dozing off under my desk for a few hours and then maybe, starting on that next task. I also need to leave early so I can mow my lawn. I mowed it before I left and it looked all nice and mowed, but apparently over the weekend while I was away, the lawn grew! It's all shaggy again. Beastly Yard.

I had to reschedule Doggers vet appointment so I called and broke the news to the office. I can't go Wednesday because I'm going to go harass the POTUS while he's here in town raising millions from the "Have More's" at a $25,000 a plate dinner, the vets office can't do it Thursday because the vet won't be there, so it's going to be Friday.

Speaking of Dogger. The weekend just wore her out. I put her in her crate when I got home Monday evening so I could finish unloading Minnie. I went to get her out when I was finished and she was sound asleep. She slept through me checking my email and didn't wake up until 9:30 when I had to get her up to go pee and eat dinner. After dinner she went right back to bed and was asleep before I had the crate latched. This morning though, she was bright eyed and bushy tailed all ready to go. Too bad she was all bright eyed and bushy tailed and going back to her crate. I think she wanted to go watched bunny rabbits and passing boats. Poor baby.

Kitty didn't change his schedule at all. He was back to waking me at 4:22 am to let me know that the food left in his bowl was a bit on the stale side and he would like fresh kibble right now. He's lucky he's so cute and that at that hour of the morning I'm in no position to do anything that might wake me up more then I absolutely have to. I can feed him in my sleep.

Oh, and while its old news now, Kerry picked Edwards to be his veep. I kind of would have liked to see how Edwards was going to be as a senator, he certainly has proved what a good little candidate he is. I didn't vote for him so he could use it as a stepping stone to run for something else. I mean I figured he would use it as a stepping stone, eventually but did he have to do it so soon? couldn't he do something for me first? I mean, anything? this leaves us with Liddy Dole! But if it helps get shrub out of office…

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