Thursday, August 12, 2004

Vacation all I ever wanted...

Why is it everything goes so well right up to where it really counts and then it just comes to a grinding halt. I’m doing all right, getting things done, filling requests, filing - I’m almost caught up. It’s amazing, if I was this ahead and I was going to be here next week, I could be doing stuff I never have time for.

I could actually be updating facilities files that changed their names! New labels all around! I could stay updated on my single page filing! I could clean my out my desk! I almost never get a chance to do that. My supervisor was in my office today look for something and noticed a file with a facilities old name on it. She was shocked. I was like, well, the new name is kind of just a shorter version of the old name., I’m pretty much whatever about it. She gets all shocked .


I’m just thinking about all the stuff I have to get done in my real life to get ready to go, I’m over all this work nonsense. Out federal over seers are here now and its putting a real crimp in my work day. I need to be calling the airline and the cats vet and shopping for something to read on the plane and they are making it very hard to goof off. Bastards.

And I’m not really goofing off. I’m doing all this work, like all the time. Instead of spending valuable time surfing and hanging out at sites, I’m all busy and working and shit. It’s unnatural. And what sucks is that if I still have a job when I come back, I’m going to have to work just as hard to get caught up. I may never get caught up. I’m all ready planning to spend the weekend up at the office its just a matter of how much of the weekend I spend up there. I spent too much time up there the last two weekends. Yuck.

I’m working so hard at work, I’m not getting anything done at home. I had this plan that I was going to clean a different room every night. I was going to leave this place spotless. So far I have cleaned the carport. It looks much nicer and I killed everything with antennae. There were a lot of things with antennae. Things in clutches in corners. I didn’t even have my trusty wet/dry vac to my dirty work. So I had to poison it and deal with all those nasty bug beasties while they didn’t die fast enough. I lent the vac to a friend and she’s “not done with it”. The car port does look nicer now, I put most of the crap in the shed. Once it gets cold and the things with antennae are well and truly dead, I’ll clean out the shed too. It’s full of things with antennae.

After I poisoned the nasty things in the car port . I did away with the nasty things in my potted plants. This weekend they are going on a trip in Minnie over to Broskey and Alphagals and I don’t want to end up with the shed on wheels. I may get light headed from the residual fumes, but Minnie will remain pest free.

I finally introduced Kitty to Minnie. He has been it the van, but never out of his box. He had a great time wandering around and sniffing. I even left him out there while I dumped the trash I cleaned out of the backseat. The more room I have the more room I can fill with trash. Go Me.

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