Thursday, September 16, 2004

Truth in Bloggertizing?

I was skimming Wonkette today and saw this story which was really about this story. The whole CBS memo meme came from Bloggers? The GOP checked out some war bloggers webring and took whatever the 101st Fighting Keyboarders had to say and took it as gospel.

I’m a Blogger, chances are you’re a Blogger. I don’t know about you but I don’t have a supervisor to check my work. You may have a crack team of paid fact checkers to cover your ass but the only one standing up for my veracity is me and I’ll post just about anything. If it comes from a good source, I’m all over it. If that source gets screwed, or if that source is like Drudge and is so gullible he posted that “gullible” isn’t in the dictionary well, ya know its just a blog and its’ not like bloggers have any sworn duty to the reading public. We’re not the actual media. We’re better then the media, we don’t have the specter of “Journalistic Credibility” hanging over our heads. We also don’t have, most of us, the administrations hand down our pants either, ya know like the rest of the “Credible Journalists”.

But apparently, some Bloggers are now journalists. Some bloggers are all about facts and figures and intimate knowledge of archaic typewriters. Okay. Now if they can create news, I can too.

Here is my news.

I have heard some people talking ( well, I was talking to myself, but there is an echo).

People are saying that back a few years ago Dick Cheney had an affair with a standard poodle named CoCo - Even more shocking, just last year he had a sex thing with an tom cat named Patriot. I guess I shouldn't go into the acts he performed on Patriot?

The hand that rocks the keyboard rules the world.

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