Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Ghost of Christmas Cards past

I was watching a thoroughly mediocre Christmas Carol and I thought “hey! I could be working on my Christmas cards right now! How seasonal! How appropriate!” As it turned out, How frustrating!

Last year I think I remember being all efficient and forward thinking, and putting my venerable Christmas card list in with the left over cards – the idea being that I really didn’t need to have the pages long list folded up in my address book all year long and wouldn’t it be a good idea to have the cards and the list all together so that when the time came I could just do my thing and… the last years cards are all together, and the this years cards are all together. The list is no where to be found.

This can’t be happening! That list has survived at least four separate moves and multiple opportunities for loss and now in the space of one moveless year it disappears. Then I started to think that maybe what I did was not put the list with the cards and I left it in the address book but then I kind of remember cleaning out the address book before it went on vacation with me last summer and after searching through the sundry piles of paper I have stacked up in my kitchen shelves, shut up, I still can’t find it. And its not like these are people I regularly correspond with and I’m not going to call my entire extended family to say “hey, what’s your address?” because I really don’t have much to say to most of them past “Merry Christmas” and they, I would think, since I only hear from them at Christmas don’t have much to say past “Merry Christmas” to me.

If I did end up calling all of them it would sort of defeat the whole card sending anyway, because once I have said “Hi, 2004, Diana’s still here”, why bother reminding them of it again a few weeks later? I don’t want them to call me, I want them to send me cards and the only way to get cards is to send cards. I spent all that cash after Christmas last year buying cards; I am going to send cards. Damn it. (Yay! Blog Mom saved me!)

Back to the mediocre Christmas Carol, I like the guy from Law and Order as much as the next guy and I know he has a strong theatre background, but dayum, did they really need to have him singing on stage with the Rockettes at the end? I mean did they really think that what Christmas Carol really, really needed was more Rockettes? Did the PTB say “Hey, that whole power of redemption and love of mankind thing really needs the Rockettes to make it more Christmas-y! People today just can’t grasp the whole redemption thing, we need to add some Rockette to the show, to you know, and make it more redemption-y”. Were they trying to make us think of Scrooged? I mean, you could practically see the network suits huddled around the set trying to think of new ways to cock up Christmas Carol to their own ends, were the Rockettes not actual Rockettes but the suits model/actress girl friends? Would it surprise you if they were? Was it some sort of cross promotional tie in thing? I guess I should have been thankful that they didn’t use an Olsen for Tiny Tim but maybe the Olsen’s are a little too urchiny for network TV. The urchins in CC were very clean, healthy, well fed urchins. Everyone had very good teeth and shiny hair. Even Want and Ignorance, who should have a least looked a little scabby and toothless and vaguely Victorian in nature, looked like they were on their way to a play date although Ignorance did seem to be a little walleyed and I think he was also wearing a Bush/Cheney button but I may have been mistaken.

Speaking of Scrooged is it available on DVD yet? Oh, and while we are thinking about DVD availability, I finally got my copy of F911.

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