Wednesday, November 3, 2004

It’s Mourning In America!

I wrote this earlier today but Blogger was down. I really needed to get this off my chest. I feel better, but not about the outcome of the election - I will never feel better about that. I just don't want to kill people as much as I did when I wrote this.

Woke up this morning to find America in the toilet, soon to be joined by the cat bomb Mr. Kitty left in his box last night after I locked him up in there for waking me up again at 4:30 in the morning. Couldn’t he understand that I did not want to wake up to what I was to be waking up to? At least in my dreams I could be in a happier place?! America and cat shite swirling down the drain together. Such a lovely way to greet the day. Hate, hate, hate the world.

Dogger was kind enough to write an entry for me but not kind enough to go back to her box last night when I didn’t have the strength to put her there myself. She finally did but not until after I sat in the hallway and cried. Some days I really wish she was small enough for me to pick up and move. But if she was that small she would have all ready mastered hiding under things, at least now all she can do is run around and infuriate me.

I took my flag in last night when I came home last night; I don’t think it will be seeing the light of day for sometime, if ever again. The White Trash Nation has shit on it and it may never be clean again. The country has been taken over by the Fascists and nothing we did stopped them. It’s going to get so bad. It was intolerable before, it’s going to get even worse. I hope when The White Trash Nation that voted for GWB end up drafted and killed that their white trash families they think about their votes. Will they even notice their civil rights are gone? Will it bother them? Will they think about what their hate has wrought? Never those people don’t think and they certainly wouldn’t blame Shrub for their pain. I hope they get the government they wanted. Gays will be marginalized and tormented, the only Christian point of view will be the Khristian point of view and no others will be tolerated. Women will lose all rights to their bodies, their fertility and their futures, the environment will be destroyed, the deficit will climb to yet unknown heights, even more jobs will be sent overseas, - will that piss the white trash off? When all three of their remaining jobs are taking away? Nah, when we will lose the rest of our allies and gas is $5.00 a gallon, Nah. They will have their guy in office. I hope it’s worth it for them.

I hate the White Trash Nation.

It’s going to be lunch soon and Lunch Buddy will be wondering what I want to eat for lunch. I’ve lost my appetite and I don’t want to eat with a Bush Voter, I hope she understands that. I can’t look at her, knowing she did this to us.

I hope when her son and daughter get drafted or whatever phrase the rethugs will call it instead of The Draft - that she thinks about her vote. I hope they all think about their vote when we find another country to invade, and even more of our servicemen and women die or God forbid, the other country decides to bring the war to us. The Neocons aren’t through invading, they have lists, it will come. I have no doubt that we will see another massive attack soon on our soil. The terrorists were waiting for a Bush win. They can’t wait to kill more of us and now they will. A Kerry win might have changed their tune, but thanks to the White Trash Nation , they will sing the same Death to America song they have sung all along.

Lunch Buddy just called me, she can’t understand why I am crying.

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