Chinese stop pinning value of the Yen to the Dollar
You know how bad things are? They are about to get worse. For your consideration, here are two stories from CNN Money. The first story was written last May and is about the possible outcomes of if the Chinese changed how the yen is valued, and how it would effect the American consumer - short answer? Shrub and his cronies are going to be affected positively, the American consumer is going to take a large hit. The second story is about how the Chinese did actually change the Yen. Embrace those $2.50 a gallon gas prices while you can, and if you got a good interest rate - well, pat yourself on the back because those are going up,up,up. If you are going to make a big purchase and are going to be needing financing? do it now.
Story 1, May 5, 2005
Story 2, July 21, 2005
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