Thursday, August 25, 2005


Dogger and I didn't go for our walk today. Today "somebody" took themselves for a walk, really more of a run. "Somebody" thought it would be a good day to take up jogging. And me with out my jogging shoes. That meant that "someone else", me for instance, had to run all up and down the street and through front yards and back yards BAREFOOT and subsequently, cut the bottom of their, my foot. I did learn however that if I ever really need to get The Drug Dealers attention, all I need to do is stand out in my yard and scream. Which I did. When Dogger was just about under the wheels of a passing car, it gets him off the porch. The drug dealer corralled "somebody" - but of course, not before "somebody" ran out into traffic and played chicken with oncoming cars.

"Somebody" is now curled into a ball in the dirt in the dark,in the backyard. Alone. "Someone else", me, now has to go to the store alone in the dark to buy band aids.

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