Monday, November 7, 2005

Bush To McCain - Nuts to you!

I wasn't going to comment on this, but then some cow stepped in front of me at the copy machine and totally harshed on my mellow.

US does not torture, Bush insists

"We do not torture," Mr Bush told reporters during a visit to Panama. He said enemies were plotting to hurt the US and his government would pursue them, but would do so "under the law", but in his mind he was saying:"um. Here "under the law" in Panama, or Saudi Arabia, China, North Korea, a few former Eastern Block nations, with your more War on Terra friendly Human Rights human shmites world view."

the beat goes on. Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain La de da de de, la de da

Five U.S. soldiers charged with detainee abuse

CNN -- Five U.S. soldiers from the 75th Ranger Regiment have been accused of beating detainees in Iraq, the U.S. military said Monday.

"The allegations stem from an incident on September 7 in which three detainees were allegedly punched and kicked by the soldiers as they were awaiting movement to a detention facility," according to a news release from the U.S. military.

What George and Dick will continue to do is: Question, Interview, Interrogate, Make Enquiries, Oppugn, Query, Exam, Consult, Converse,Abuse, Twist, Strain, Distort, Torment, Over Refine. Agonize, Anguish, and distress in countries or Gitmo, with less then total dedication to Human Rights.

It's not Torture if you don't call it Torture. We can feel free to:








Screw Blogger for not being more open to other cultures. Try to add a little Japanese, Korean,Russian, Greek, and Chinese to your discourse and it finds a way to turn them all to gooblegook. Trust me, the question marks are actual words and I am not going to remove them as some of you out there may have the settings to make those question marks words. The words are all Torture. You can say it many ways but it's all the same.

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