Things that make you go …
I’m moving on past the wax paper and fall leaves debacle. I’m working on concentrating on what I can do like consistently remembering to turn on house alarm off before I go out to get the paper and remembering to record My Name is Earl now that House is back. You have to focus on your strong points.
I feel the need to pimp MNIE. It will be aired back to back to back to back on Saturday night on NBC. Two whole hours of good Karma. It will allow you to catch up with what you’ve missed if you haven’t been watching as well as letting regular viewers see episodes they missed because their VCRs hate them. I can’t have the only VCR with PMS…
In the spirit of moving on past the wax paper and fall leaf debacle, I am going to suck it up and rake my kitchen floor this evening to fully put the debacle behind me. I was going to wait for them to break down and turn to dust, but I’m moving on. . I wish the wasps would also own their wrong place wrong time failure and move out themselves, but they seem to be hanging on. I killed four last evening and there were at least that many dead on the floor when I came home. I don’t think Kitty is doing that, I don’t think he would be happy about getting stung over and over and if he did go after one, I don’t think he would be dumb enough to go after more. I know they are down in the basement as well but I am hoping that they and the nasty spider/crickets duke it out and wind up killing each other before I have to do something about it or I have more laundry to do, whatever comes first.
I was just informed that in the plans for the new building, my office will be in the basement. I’m so under joyed. I all ready have isolation issues and they are putting me in the basement! . I can deal with where I am now because I have windows and a view. I don’t want to be in the basement. I have a basement. It is damp and buggy and basement-y and I don’t spend a lot of time down there. Maybe I should start practicing. I wonder if I can devlope a mold allergy? I mean it is a state building and it did go to the lowest bidder…
I am also annoyed that I am not on President Shrub’s enemies list! It seems to be packed with people who have publicly disapproved of the way he is running the nation. I have publicly disapproved of him plenty of times! I do it nearly every day! I’m hurt.
As long as I am listing things that annoy me. There are two bathrooms on the hall. One at one end and the other and the other. They are both officially gender neutral bathrooms. In the past they were not but we aren’t in the past we are in the now and now they are gender neutral. I am annoyed that people do the pee pee dance all the way down the hall just that they can drop trou in the former ladies room. If you really have to pee, and if you are publicly pee pee dancing down the hall, you really have to pee, WHY do you insist on going down the hall pee pee dancing all the way, to solve your problem if all you really have to do is go across the hall! which would most likely cut out the whole PRB issues that you are exhibiting. It bugs. I know it’s probably a generational thing but it’s dumb and it annoys me. It’s just a former men’s room. There aren’t any penis centric signs, no titty mags hanging around or measuring sticks to offend girlish sensiblities, there is a urinal but really, it isn’t an obstacle, there is a regular girly toity with a door as well. Dumb people make me tired.
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