Why I
Okay. Still being the good and efficient little pre-vacation worker. I filed and filed and field some more today. I also continued the great purge, I did not box anything up, I think I’m going to wait for Friday so that while I’m spending the day on my knees I won’t wear out the knees of my “good” pants any more then I have all ready. I also got good news pertaining to the rest of our yearly office physical – they are going to send the final list of facilities to us by the end of next week! Hazah! I can pull and mark all of the files myself before I leave!! I don’t have to push this unpleasant task on my co-workers! Yay. It made me feel much better. It also cuts down on the amount of time my co-workers will spend digging around in the files trying to find stuff themselves - and if in the off chance I have a hard time finding anything, the hard time will be mine and not theirs. I would much rather bitch at myself for my sloppy procedure then have someone else bitch to me about it. In the past if I couldn’t find something I was able to blame the girl who had the job before me – “I can’t find it! That other girl must have filed in the wrong place!” for any and all misfiling mishaps, but sadly, I’ve been here so long all the misfiling mishaps are mine now.
I always assume that I won’t be able to find whatever I am looking for, but since I understand my own filing logic, I can usually find where things are, even if they are not where they are supposed to be – which still happens too often. In the past when I had temps and other helpers, did you know that it helps if you can read if you are going to be doing filing?, things got really, really lost and I would only find lost things on accident – It’s not as though I could call up the temp who did the filing and say “Hey, when you were here, do you remember where you put something that said Goldsboro on it? I need it now and it’s not where it should be.” I am doing all my own filing now so I don’t have to worry about other peoples faulty filing logic .When I mess up, I can usually figure out where whatever it is has been misplaced , sooner or later, at least in my experience so far. I don’t even care if the list doesn’t come in until late on Friday, I’m going to get that crap pulled myself, damn it.
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