Thursday, June 1, 2006

Insert Title Here

Imagine, working at work two days in a row! I mean, one day at a time, thank you very much, ya know? I mean I don’t get paid for this shit. Actually, today I got paid. So today I did get paid for this shit.

The copy machine/pasta maker was in a much better mood . It worked for about two thirds of the time I spent working with it a big step up from the whole quarter of the time it worked yesterday. I learned about myself that if I get asked more than one time if I was going to “Break the machine again today too?” that I was definitely going to kill the next person who asked. I was shocked that I have that much patients with this question. They were lucky that the machine worked as well as it did today because if it hadn’t worked consistently I would have had to kill them. As it was I wanted to kill them and it did work consistently .

Dogger went to the Vet today. She charmed them. She is now protected from any number of nasty ickies as well as certified boarding ready. I’m sure the boarding people will be charmed as well. But, she’s not ready to be boarded yet and she’s only going to be there for three days. I had to pay for a vet visit and vaccinations and I still have to take out a loan for the boarding. Does Pell hand out grants for vacation boarding?

Dogger is getting better at Dog Park. Today she got a whole ten feet away from me! -she sat next to someone else. It was very exciting. Tomorrow I'm hoping for fifteen feet, Some day, I hope she will actually go interact with the other dogs.

Who's up for a little photo blogging fun?

Ohhhhhhh! Must be a really hard guy. I bet he's really dirrrrtttyy. So bad ass! He's so hard he needs a parental advisory on his poster

Yes. Such a bad ass, or really, A Bad "A". Mr. Fucking Amazin' isn't all that amaz**g. I'm betting he's really bragging on his MFA. In real life he got his masters in advanced music theory.

Wasn’t that fun?

We have a birthday lunch pot luck at the office tomorrow. She birthday haver has requested that we, the office, bring “meat”. So. I am making “meat” for lunch. Meat and french cut green beans. It will be meaty.

Okay. More photo blogging!

well behaved landscaping

When landscaping goes bad

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