Thursday, August 10, 2006

Deep Breaths

What a difference a day makes. Wednesday was better. I was calmer, not at all homicidal and I left at 4:30.

I walked in the door told my boss what I did not find in my search of the records and she took the news better than I had imagined, she then said I didn’t have to stay until 6. Bullshit. Girlfriend was going to kill me Tuesday, and she would have, if I hadn’t stayed. She also left for a three day class, which also explains the frequency of my violent ideation went down. Go me. To help matters one of the women in the building brought her tiny little dog in and we all got to play with it. Pet therapy is wildly under utilized in the work place.

So. I got to file for the first time in days; I filled a request and got started on another. My office still looks like a bomb went off but I am not thinking about that. It makes me less anxious. Also, the boss isn’t in the building and I went out, guilt free, for lunch for the first time since I came back from vacation.

It was so calm that I was able to surf around a bit and find . You can go there and put your own images on things. You can make stamps, tee-shirts. Coffee mugs… It looks really neat. Alpha Gal got as a gift a page of your-image-here postage stamps, I want to see how those turn out before I explore vanity postage. It sounds really fun though. Postage is all ready horrendously expensive, you might as well get some self expression out of it. You could do seasonal stamps! The whole world could see your vacation pictures! No more button holing co-workers or boring family members! The whole postage industry would be forced to see your picture of that pretty rock you found or that sunset. The possibilities are endless. I all ready like making cards out of my own photographs, I could make my own stamps too. I could control the postal universe.

Or not.

Anyway, Wednesday was a better day and significantly less frantic.

What else. I was further bummed on Tuesday to come home and find my buddy MASH not on. Or it was on, the station that carries it wasn’t (and still isn't, what did The Hallmark channel not pay it's electric bill? Come on! The world can live with out Kelly Martin and Mystery Woman but the viewing public needs it's MASH reruns.). It went to black and wouldn’t come back. I persevered though, I watched a Match Game ‘74 rerun that probably dated from about the same time as the MASH reruns I didn’t get to watch. Richard Dawson made me happy when he name checked John Sirica in one of his answers, which turned out to be the $500 answer for the round. The schlub contestant took another panelists’ answer of “Judge Dred” and he only got $150.

I thought it was timely as I was watching it on August 8th, 2006 and as we learned on Tuesday, on August 8th, 1974 Nixon stepped down.

Onto more current politics, do you think that Ned Lamount winning in Connecticut is a “sign” or some sort of bellwether for the Democrats in the coming election cycle or just dissatisfaction with a single unpopular candidate? Is this victory good for us and make us lazy and over confident or will it rally the GOP faithful to victory in the fall? Let us hope it rallies the right, er correct faithful in the fall - or is the media making a big deal over this so they won’t have to cover the Middle East?

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