Thursday, March 1, 2007

More Dogger

Dogger is better. Not back to normal but not as sick as she was before. She's still a sick dog but she's not as sick a she was. It was a very long day.

I went after work to settle up with the vet ($$$$$) and to take Dogger to an over night clinic ($$$$$$). My vet isn't open all night and Dogger still needs intravenous fluids and antibiotics. But the good news was that she hadn't thrown up blood in hours. Yea!

The over night clinic didn't open until 5:30 so I had a little wait before Dogger and I could go.

And I Waited.

And I Waited.

And I Waited.

And I swear that every single person who walked in the office was there to either A) Put their pet down or B) pay for their pets cremation. I was there for a good hour and every one I saw was in tears. I also got to hear the receptionist's tale about her dead dog. I didn't need this. My dog isn't going to die but she is very ill. I didn't need stores of dead dogs, I need uplifting tales of dogs who fought back! of dogs that got better! of dogs that beat the odds!

Finally, they brought me Dogger! I was so happy to see her it took me a minute to notice how much less fur she had then when I had last seen her. You know, if pregnant chicks had to shave before their ultrasounds, shit, anyway, she was very tired and her eyes were all blood shot from being sick over and over and she just looked wan but the good news was, they gave her to me to take to the over night clinic "five minutes away". Vet tech please. Not even kind of.

I followed the directions they had given me but I couldn't find it, I had a very sick dog in the car, it was dark, raining and my day had all ready been too long... I called Alphagal and she pulled me away from the edge and then at almsot the same time the clinic just appeared. Alphagal is magic. I got Dogger out of Minnie and into the office and ...

And we waited.

And we waited.

And we waited.

And I heard the first sounds a seconds old beagle puppy makes. They sound like baby birds - it was the first positive thing I'd heard all day. The vet finally saw me and gave me the run down. If everything goes okay, I get my dog back tomorrow at 7:00am... And maybe a beagle puppy.


Cat said...

I can't tell you how glad I am that things are going to be OK. Still sending health-vibes from my office...

Were you serious re: the puppy?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everthing is going well, too.


Unknown said...

Thank you for the vibes, they helped a lot. No, not serious about the puppy. Darn it. I wish though.