Thursday, May 24, 2007

Other people suck


In a perfect world Drama Dog’s people and I would work out a visitation schedule for the park. They could have the Friday and the weekends and say Monday and I’ll take T-W-TH. I think that would work out. Maybe we could share Fridays, because sometimes Fridays are good days at the park. Maybe on Fridays they could keep their dog to heel the whole time, instead of letting it wander at will - See how much they have fun that is. Welcome to my life, assholes.

And then also, the people we’re both friends with wouldn’t have to choose who to hang out with and I wouldn’t have to get my feelings hurt because they didn’t choose me, but most importantly, Dogger would be able to roam to her hearts content. Because the dog park is supposed to be about her enjoying herself and not really about me enjoying myself. Even though I am the one who drives us there.

Tuesday night, I thought enough time had passed that Drama Dog and Dogger could be around each other, Drama Dog is a pissy little bitch has a long memory and wouldn’t let Dogger be. All Dogger did was wander over to say HI to Drama Dog’s people because Dogger is fond of them - more than I am at this point , and Drama Dog went into attack mode and Dogger reacted because no one likes being snarled at. DD’ s people did not make it better by picking up Drama Dog and pissing her off more. Yeah, my dog might have been barking, but your dog was snarling. And then I had to apologize? !@#$%^&!!! . I think DD needs to be punished for her behavior every once in a while not picked up and cuddled when she attacks other dogs - note, DD is not a small dog. It’s like “Way to give positive reinforcement to your dogs shitty behavior!”. They have a second dog and it and Dogger have always gotten along fine, I think the new dog has issues and they aren’t handling them very well. It’s not my dogs fault that their dog has emotional problems. I like DD’s people, and prior to DD we would sit together and talk and have a good time, but now I am always glad when they are not there. They and DD totally ruin my dog park mellow and make Dogger sad.


Okay. Moving on. Deep Cleansing Breaths. I am going to chill out on that and remember I’m going to the beach this weekend.

I bet you think I didn’t go to the District Convention. I did. I drove an hour up there and back I didn’t get lost. I did find that Sanford’s downtown was significantly larger than I had thought it would be though. I kept thinking I must have gone past the “historic red brick” court house. It wouldn’t be hard, as it turns out, much of downtown Sanford is made up of “historic red brick” structures, there was even a “historic red brick” car dealership. It would have been cool if it was still a car dealership, but somewhere a long the way they bricked in the display windows. The name of the dealership was still carved into the ... I want to call it the storefront but that isn’t the right word. Anyway, you could easily loose the historic red brick forest for the historic red brick trees. I finally found the court house and the convention went well. The keynote speaker rocked the house and I stayed rocked because I ducked out before the resolutions were read. I haven’t got time for the pain. I stuck around for that once time and decided that it fell into the never again file.

I read them though, and did you know that the Chatham County Democrats hate George W. Bush? Or at the least the folks who show up for their precinct meetings do. The other 9 counties in the district didn’t call for the “End of Mercenary Deployment” , Wake and two others asked for the “orderly redeployment and withdrawal from Iraq” . No others passed resolutions for impeachment. Chatham County passed six virulently anti-war/anti-Bush administration resolutions. Wake passed resolutions calling for the release of school bond funding and to oppose I-540 as a toll road.

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