Wednesday, October 21, 2009

And away we go

Christmas is officially on the way. I got my Hammacher Schlemmer catalogue!   I'm so excited! It's full of things I have no desire for whatsoever, but gosh, just the idea of a stainless steel wallet or my own R2D2 or a twelve shopping bag caddie! All these things that I could buy for Christmas!

Yeah. But who do I know who really wants a stainless steel wallet or a twelve shopping bag caddie?  but at the same time, I mean who doesn't want an R2D2? You could by everyone you know an R2D2 and you would win Christmas in a  shot. But how many years in a row can you give  everyone an R2D2?  On the upside, after a few years of R2D2s they might change their stances on stainless steel wallets.

Anyway. I tried to start on the closet, first I moved the dogs bed then I shifted the exercise bike and then I approached it, and then  I backed away slowly. It's a much bigger job than I thought it was. Much, much more involved than the entry way closet. I was a little taken aback, its gonna be a weekend job, not an evening job and now I  know why I've kept it blocked all this time. And because the door won't stay closed on its own. I need something heavy in front of it. I am Fibber McGee.

I didn't clean the closet and I didn't make dog cookies. I just did too much over the weekend and Monday night and now I'm tired. Gawd I'm old. Dogger was feeling a little bushed as well, we only walked to the field and back and then we came back and I fed her and then fell asleep in front HGTV. Dogger fell asleep on the futon early.

I slept too but not for long though, I had to eat dinner and try to decide what to wear to work tomorrow and turn on the porch light and I hadn't even looked at the closet yet. And I have more closets! And they all need to be looked at! My house was built in 1950 and there are closets everywhere! Every room in my house has five doors in it, I have zero wall space.  I can't complain about this, you can't have too many closets, but once you close the closet door everything in there stretches out or gets swollen and you try to put more things in there and you look inside and everything is all of a sudden so much bigger than it was and its a little startling and  it scares you a little and then pretty soon you are too scared to open the closet any more and you start to fill another closet and soon it scares you and then it doesn't take too much longer and you have no more closets you aren't scared of and then you have to move.

1 comment:

Mollie McGee said...

But...before you move you have to empty the closets.

You might as well stay put (and put a dogger bed in front of each closet).