Friday, October 16, 2009

Are you watching Community? You should be!

Do you know why I love my Kitchen Aid stand mixer? I just made peanut butter dog cookies and I didn't have a tantrum! or burst into tears or anything! It's a first! I didn't have to wash my hands sixteen times,  my table top didn't getting greasy and I didn't end up throwing half the dough away because it had become a sticky mess and I was mad at it!  The Kitchen Aid is the best tool ever. The quality of the dough was flawless, it was just silky and smooth and it rolled out really well and the peanut butter was distributed equally and it smelled heavenly. All I had to do was roll out this lovely dough and cut out my cookies. Awwww. It was so nice.

I would probably make a cheese batch Friday night, because that's the way I roll -  but the state fair starts this week and I am going Friday to go see what there is to see. My hope is that they have new and interesting things on the midway for me to take pictures of.  Because that is the only reason that we even have fairs, is to give me an opportunity to take pictures. Duh. Other people however go there to have their wallets lightened and to eat much fried crap and look at goats. We all see different things in the same thing.

I have another Junior College memory, probably my last because I was only there for a year and frankly, on a daily bases Junior College wasn't very memorable. For instance? I can't remember what courses I took and I'm pretty sure I was taking a full load. I do remember I had to walk to class because I didn't have a car and because I am at heart an opportunist, I took a class with a friend because she did have car, but she was sick all the time and I still had to walked to class and then sat in class alone and hated her because I thought she was a big faker. I gave her shit when it was time for the final because she never came to class and thus did badly on it and I did well because I was there every week , even though I didn't even want to take the class which I just took because she did and I thought it would be nice to see her. And she had a car and could drive me to class - which she hardly ever did and the one time she did give me a ride I slammed my thumb in her car door.

Not long after that she had a heart transplant because she was not a big faker.

Ah! Ah! They use the same phone on The Office as I use at work!  Oh my Gosh! I noticed it last week on Ace of Cakes too!

Wow. Okay, that was geeky. I got my geek on. I geeked out. Moving on.

ANYWAY. Junior College.

There was this really cool guy. He wore  biker jackets  with rivets and chains and he dyed his hair black and  I don't think he washed it very often but he was the coolest guy hanging out between the cafeteria and the  lobby of the theater/art  department hallway.  He was awesome. He was also in one of the regrettably forgettable classes I took and I was so stoked. It was 1988 at Brookhaven Junior College, we got still got stoked. I was stoked because he was Rad.

He sat across from me, which probably was a contributing factor to why I don't remember what class it was, and so I spent a lot of time watching him. A lot.  I probably couldn't have picked the instructor out of a line up, and one day while we were supposed to be taking notes, I watched him clip coupons. It was so disappointing! He had been so hot and there he was clipping coupons and getting stoked about discounted  toilet paper.

Later on he had a party and invited everyone in class but he failed to tell us where he lived.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Haven't seen an episode yet! I finally got around to seeing an episode of Parks & Recreation, which did make me chuckle in bed.