Tuesday, May 14, 2013

CGC week 3/Book Sale Bounty

We had a great time at CGC.No breakthroughs or any real change in skill level but we got to spend the time with Rockets brother Tonka! What a nice dog! So gentle and gracious and sweet - these are not common attributes of your average male dog, much less your average male puppy. It was so nice to see them together and I hope we get to see more of him and his people, also really nice folks.

Remember the book sale? Well. I did a count - this year I came out with 36 books, with three out for gifts. I have a good mix of paper and hard back with titles ranging from a scholarly discussion of Lobsters to a mini book about dream symbols to a book about how stooopid Shrub was to a bunch of mystery/detective books to more biography's than I would have thought I would have been interested in.

By the numbers I came out with

3  Dogcentric
3 Cookbooks
14 Detective/mystery
6 biographies
7 Non-Fiction

So far I have started Someone is Going to Die if Lillybeth Doesn't Catch the Bouquet by Gayden Metcalf and Charlotte Hays. Its about southern social mores  and its funnier than it sounds. I haven't really sat down and read a book since I brought Rocket home. The next one I want to start on is Laughing Without an Accent by Firoozeh Dumas, I read an earlier title she wrote but wasn't able to track down her second book. She a very funny Iranian American woman.

I could go with I want to be a lady plumber a collection of short stories by Reinhold Shubert. A first edition, signed and dated (September 9, 1968, I was less than two weeks old) by the author with a message that reads "To The Patients and their Special Friends. with Best Wishes".  I could find next to nothing about this person online, the book is worth about $10. I bought it for nothing so I made a good kill anyway.

I might go with any one of my fourteen detective novels or I could go with The Secret Life of Lobsters or either of the two titles I picked up by Haven "A Girl names Zippy" Kimmel, or English and How it Got That Way by Bill Bryson or Shadow Divers about the divers that found that  mysterious, not supposed to be there, U-boat off New Jersey or maybe the John Grishon novel Playing for Pizza about a baseball player playing in Italy or perhaps The History of Coffee or Pack of Two, The Intricate Bond Between People and Dogs by Caroline Knapp or I could read through Chinese Cooking for the American Kitchen...

So much to read so little time to read!

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