Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Wow, so much has happened since I saw you last! I woke up Thursday morning with no internet, Thursday after work, I still had no internet so  I tried to install my new modem, I found out that I didn't need my new modem because it was for a provider I don't actually have, I wiped out my internet connection and my phone service in the process, I yelled at a lot of people at two different multinationals, I uninstalled my new modem, I moved a thousand pound dresser around more than I would have prefered, I got my phone service back and my internet turned back on. I also turned off the other provider that had someone turned itself on and sent me a modem I did not ask for.

A lot of people got yelled at, if I, the consumer, is going to move a thousand pound dresser around, there is going to be blowback. And if it ended up that I didn't need to move that dresser the first time much less the second time and this was YOUR mistake? Expect hissing.

I knew I didn't need to be dealing with installing the modem when I opened the box and took one look at the instructions and the mess of cables and there was a lot of instructions and a mess of cables!  and said "Nope". "Above my payscale. I am uncomfortable doing this job myself. This looks like a skilled job to me". And then I have to end up doing it any way and then when I am through I lose my landline and my internet, and I call the people responsible for making me lose them and the response is "We can send out a guy soon" and "Soon" is  in a "few days" and then we start talking further about why there is no place for my phone cord and  the person I am talking to gets flustered and says they don't "do" phones and doesn't know what I am talking about.

And then I call my service and we have a talk and it turns out they didn't send me a modem and they don't have any idea why I lost service in the morning but to plug my cables back in to their box - more moving around of the thousand pound dresser, and magicly my phone works again and once the right cables are plugged back in, I have internet again.

Friday, after work  went to a friends art exhibit and ( the dog was in the car, in a thick sweater, don't worry about him) we left the thing and and then went to the store and bought random things because I was bored. Because through all of this it was bitter, bitter cold and I haven't left the house except to go to work and then it actually hurt to do so. So I was happy to be out and about, even though it did hurt to go outside.

Anyway. I have been eating raisins at work. So I bought some to snack on while I sat around the house watching TV and being cold all weekend.

I honestly can not remember what else I bought. We came home, I unloaded the car and the dog and started to put stuff away. I then remembered that the city had changed the trash day to Saturday and so I put the garbage out.

I came back in the house and found my raisins on the floor.

The dog and I went to the Animal ER.  Long story short. If you have dogs and cats in your house, treat raisins and grapes like toxic cleaners and keep them locked up. They are very, very bad for your pets. If I hadn't gotten back into the house quickly or if he had actually liked them more, he could have been very, very ill. Kidney failure ill, some dogs die ill. As it was he only ingested 29 raisins and it still required that he be made to vomit, eat a lot of activated charcoal and have three blood tests over two days to measure his kidney functions and they kind of wanted me to have him stay there for the weekend but I said no dice, I would bring him back to the hospital for the required blood draws.

Fortunately, his initial tests were completely normal and they stayed that way all weekend. We got very lucky. I am also lucky to have insurance, hopefully they won't cancel me for useing it .

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