Friday, August 1, 2003

Guilty Pleasures

I’m watching 1001 Gross Things Pulled Out Of Peoples Butts or something. It has computer animation. Technology is a wonderful thing.

It just started, but I think they're working from the top down. So far its 1001 Things Pulled Out Of Peoples Heads. They just listed a bunch of stuff that must have been stuck in people. It was just a list of random things. I was still on the boat ancher in the guys’ head and now we’re talking about Emu eggs. In heads? Bad editing. I should be asking questions like that. I should be totally entranced by the 1001 Things Pulled Out Of Peoples Butts. If you’re going to have computer animation of a fence post through some chicks head, you must stay on topic.

Now we’re going to talk about a javelin through a guys face. This was not actually propelled into him, he ran into it. So it’s different from the other stuff stuck in people’s heads. And it’s in his neck, so we are moving down.

Potentially Exsaunguate to think FOX taught me that word. I learned it from The X-Files but still FOX.

So far we have learned that stupid people are just like puppies. They just want to taste everything. Puppies grow out of it.

FOX is showing us all the little people who get screwed if you try to pirate movies. It took them a long time to figure out that we don’t feel sorry for Ben Afflick. I don’t feel very sorry for the Little People either. They still get paid more then I do, and now they are FOX toadies and I think I’ll figure out a way to pirate something out of spite.

Speaking of Pirates, RIAA or whatever? They suck too and my computer is way to old and lame to down load music.

Okay. We’ve moved on to Rebar. Always a problem. Don’t fall on it. It’s not pretty. The computer animation shows us what the rebar looked like in the person’s skeleton. Their eyes are there, and wouldn’t your eyes not be there if you were skeletal? FOX doesn’t care.That computer animated skeleton is going to have its own show as a midseason replacement.

The biggest side effect of getting a thing in your head is you end up with facial paralysis.

The Colon! Bike Pumps! Jelly Jars! Gerbils? Gerbils! Gerblis! Gerblis! Come on Gerbils!

Damn. Jewelry phht. Who cares! This is 1001 Things Pulled Out Of Peoples Butts. Come On! Necklaces? Bah.

They keep showing a pregnant guy and then they go back to swallowed sticks. Who cares! We’re not all here to watch spoons and sticks! We want pregnant guy stuff!

Anti – Drug ads. Thank you FOX, I’ll stay clean for you. I think heavy drug use explained about 2/3s of their programming so I don’t under stand the Anti-Drug stance.

Why is David Spade hosting the Teenager Awards? Because he’s short? I would think he wouldn’t like kids. He doesn’t seem like a teenager magnet. Teenagers must be losing their allure for advertisers. Hey Kids! It’s David Spade. David Spade he was on SNL when you were little? He was on Just Shoot Me? that show you never watched because it was lame? the one your parents stopped watching three years ago? he’s friends with Chris Rock? He has great hair! He’s really cutting edge, Yeah, Yeah, he is! Very X-treme! Tommy Boy! That movie with Chris Farley? He made a lot of movies with Chris Farley. No were not all the same movie. No, I’m sure!

I’m Sure.

Oh anther lesson. Don’t run with a frog gigger. I say, don’t gig frogs skip the whole no running warning. No gigigng.

Man. 15 minutes to go and yet no pregnant man.

What is an O.C?

Dude! Pregnant Guy Teases!

Ice Axe in leg. Wow. Pretty nasty. Don’t ski with your ice axe. Now they are talking about Turnips? Aren’t turnips supposed to be in our bodies? Why aren’t they talking about the turnip? What was it used for? Where was it? So far we’ve spent a lot of time on the head, we flirted with the face, moved to the neck, visited the gut and spent time with the leg. I want the pregnant guy!

What is an O.C?

Tell me Temptation Island 3 is not drug indused?

Pregant Guy. Ewww. 44 pounds of fluid and a 9 pound fetal twin with two pounds of it's own hair!

I feel so dirty now. Temptation Island 3 was on and I was in the same room with it!!!

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