Friday, October 10, 2003

Happy Friday Ya’ll!

Nope, gotta do better then that. I got nothing. I can’t face another Friday Five. I trying to get out of town tomorrow and it suddenly dawned on me that Friday is now. I signed up for a pot luck at work not thinking that October 10th was not the same as Friday, the Friday. I really wish I had thought about it though. I’m preparing food for a lunch I’m not even going to be at. I’m thought I would just ask Lunch Buddy to take responsibility for dealing with it but it turns out she’s not going either, she has an appointment to get her hair cut over lunch. Damn.

While I was not keeping track of time and dates, I discovered my wardrobe was lacking and I needed something to wear. I went to Goodwill over lunch and really lucked out. I scored a 100 percent silk sweater and rayon poly skirt for a total of $8. I was feeling kind of flush so I also picked up a couple of $1 tapes too. I needed another Falco for my collection. I also got a really nice chenille sweater for like $4.25.

I rushed home after work and got my pot luck chicken pot pie in the oven and started to get myself packed. I still need to get the dog and cat squared away so they can leave too. Dogger is staying with Aunt Alphagal and her cousin Dogs while Kitty and I go with Brosky to my parents for a couple of days.

So that means that I need to look at the Doggers' food supply and deicide if she has enough to get through the weekend ( I think she does). I need to gather Kitty’s stuff together and try to remember where his box is. I can probably buy kitty dust once I get there. Kitty has plenty of food.

I’m going to need a book too. I was reading the most recent SNL tome, because I am back in love with Bill Murray and he is quoted extensively. Sigh. We’re really not going to be there long enough to do any serious reading but if I don’t bring something along I will develop a lot of free time that needs a book to fill it. I looked at the books at the Goodwill but they didn’t have many and the ones they had sucked. I had a conversation with a lady over a copy of The One Minute Mother. She said that books like these are way everybody is in therapy now. Those books said you could have it all and if you didn’t it was because you sucked. The 80s were harsh.

The pie is out of the oven. It smells a bit more like broccoli then I had thought it would. I should have gone with the frozen stew veggies but they looked too big for a pie and the frozen veggies I bought looked more colorful . I hope they eat it tomorrow but I bet they don’t. Nobody eats my food when I bring it in because I use “foodie” spices like garlic and rosemary. I think the next time I’ll just put in for the fried chicken. Cheaper, faster, less clean up.

I’m also going to have to spend the morning worrying about the pie not being warm. I don’t have a food warmer thing to carry it in and so it will have to be refrigerated. And thus chilled. I wisely used the metal pie plate to back it in too. Brilliant. Because otherwise I could have zapped it in the microwave. Moron.

Maybe if I put it back in the oven tomorrow morning and wrap it up it will be all right. It will look like the Beverly Hillbilly’s chicken pot pie, but maybe it will at least stay warm.

Have a good weekend!

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