Thursday, November 6, 2003

Boycott CBS

Today’s rant is brought to you by CBS. I am ranting about how CBS knuckled under to the Cult of Reagan and the jackbooted Republican Brown Shirts and their Thought Police. And I am calling for a boycott of advertisers of CBS. I did a google search thinking that someone else must be just as outraged at their gutless genuflecting to the COR and the JRBS and the TP as I am – there were a lot of boycotts 61 pages of references to boycotts against CBS. At one time or another the Muslims, the Hispanics, the White Power thugs and several groups really mad at Dan Rather have all threatened CBS their advertisers, employees and venders with boycotts. The COR has been very vocal about That Movie. Did you now that there is a Cult Of Reagan? I bet they all go to their Khristan Mega Churches on Sundays and then go home and practice their dark COR arts. They worship him. I hate Ronald Reagon.

Reagan was and is ignorant, bigoted, mean spirited and crass. The fact he has Alzheimer’s does not diminish or excuse his evil works. Alzheimer’s happens to the rich and the poor, the evil and the pure, it makes no judgments and it is not a punishment. It does not make a saint into a sinner or a sinner into a saint. Just because he is ill now does not make up for a lifetime of bad acts. He and his version of the GOP set race relations in the country back by decades. He is the reason there is so much polemics about Liberals. He did this. He is, was and ever shall be malevolent.

He and his minions went into the churches and told them that if the democrats ever came to power in any capacity, they the Good Khristians would go to hell. That everything they held sacred would be outlawed and they would be pushed underground. Only Good King Reagan could save them. And they believed him. He validated every racist, sexist, homophobic mouth breather in the country. He empowered every loser who felt he wasn’t getting ahead because some woman or minority had a better job or more education then he did. He and his followers told White Men that they were victims of the Civil Rights Movement and women’s fight for equality. That anything good for anyone else was bad for them. That anyone who wasn’t like them was going to ruin their lives and upend the status quo. Also, the commies were coming to take their women and eat their dawgs.

I only watch two shows on CBS. I’m not going to stop watching, I’m not a Neilson Family and it wouldn’t matter. I am going to note who their sponsors are and I am going to write letters to them asking how they can align themselves with such a company. I wrote two mean, nasty emails to CBS about their shameless buckling under to the cultists and oddly I haven’t heard back. Les Moonves is next. I have his address and his fax number. Write him and tell him what you think of CBS .

I know that I can never watch any of their shows from their nightly news to their sitcoms with out knowing that everything I watch has been vetted by the Right Wing. CBS has been tainted and whatever integrity they had has been compromised. They let the ultra right wing decide their programming. What will they let the Right Wing decide next? What will you not be watching? Learning? or Hearing? What voices will be silenced? what issues will not be discussed? What lies are we going to be told? What lies have we all ready been told? We can no longer trust CBS.

Mr. Les Moonves, CEO
7800 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Fax: 323-653-8276

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