Friday, January 9, 2004

The After Christmas Put Up

I took the lights down from outside, I stripped the tree of baubles, garland and the star at the top. I boxed up the various chochkies, decorations, Holiday toys and the Santa Shrine. All of it. Widgets, chochkies, outside lights, Santa Shrine, Little Tree its attendant decorations and garland. It’s all boxed up.


The tree. The tree is still there. A big pine green hole in the middle of my living room. It was so pretty with its decorations and garland and baubles… now its just naked and sitting there like a great big pine green hole in the middle of my living room.

The little tree is upstairs, it is part of the cabin theme. I can leave it there all year, I did it last year and I’ll do it this year. I have no problems with that. It was a Christmas tree it is now adding to the North woodsy - Cabin-y Atmosphere. Same tree, different job. It’s a good tree. I can’t do that with the bigger tree. Its bigger for one and I want North woodsy - Cabin-y atmosphere not Mordor – y. Evil Wizard Castle-y

But that doesn’t get the rest of the lights unstrung or the tree taken apart and put in its box and hiked up to the attic and put to bed.

But I don’t feel well!!!. Okay. Fine. I don’t feel well. I will though. Just because the evil flu has gone to war with the Tamaflu causing my sinuses to weigh heavily on my teeth causing me even more discomfort… there is a silver lining to that. It caused me to take a closer look at something I was afraid was some sort of tooth cancer but was really upon closer inspection, a filled cavity. Now, if my mouth didn’t hurt I would have even thought about that.

An! All! New! Friends! The! Last! Season! . Why. Why is this show still on and why am I still watching it. I hate them. Way back when I remember calling up my best friend and squealing over the phone when Ross kissed Rachel. Today I could care less who they end up with or which of them end up with kids. I don’t think any of them needs children. Imagine their shock at discovering … ya know what, this show is not about the shock at discovering anything. It’s part of the same New York as Sex and The City where everyone lives in fabulous apartments and have kewl wardrobes and life styles that no one with a real life could possibly afford, in their lives there are no shocks that can not be softened by a pint of ice cream or a new pair of pumps.

And while I’m watching TV, why would any one in their right minds want to work for Donald Trump? And why would you humiliate yourself on national TV in the process? In the ads the contestants describe themselves as “bright”. If you agree to be cast on a reality show, and you take part in competitive lemon aid selling and whatever else they can cook up to separate the really moronic from the deeply disturbed? You are not bright!

Back to Friends. I’m waiting for one of the Queer Guys to swoop in and fix Ross. They sent them to Wake up Miami or whatever and they don’t send them to Friends? That’s cold.

Speaking of cold, it may snow here tomorrow. Think Happy Thoughts. Edited to add, drove to work in blizzard.

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