Saturday, February 14, 2004

A Little Slice of Heaving

You can not extinguish self righteous self pity by falling head first into a key lime pie. Full on self pity can only be cured by applications of chocolate cream pie. I waited until almost Nine pm before I finally gave in and went to the store. I didn't want to be one of those people in line at six with their little single serve frozen dinners buying half off Valentines candy for themselves. At Nine in the evening I could be in there recovering from a bad date.

All I really needed was a couple of slices of pie, a little creamy hand holding, I don't hate myself after all, if I am going to debauch myself, I still want to be able to respect myself in the morning. When I got to the store and cruised the desert isle, there were no individually slice chocolate cream pies left!, I was too late! All that was left was individually sliced Key Lime pies! Key Lime pie does not have the curative properties that Chocolate Cream pie has! And everybody knows it! I was too late and I all I could do was buy a whole damn pie!

I got the pie home . The pie was frozen. Pityus Interuptus.

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