Friday, February 27, 2004

Memeeing of snow days gone by

Now, y'all aren't even going to believe me, but I picked out this snow topic thing last weekend. I was over at Brosky and Alphagals mooching their computer and shopping for memes trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my computer - I'm going to be spending a lot more time either mooching off Brosky and Alphagal or hanging out at the public terminals at the library. Yay. By the time I got around to Wednesdays edition, topic "What is In You Yard", answer dog shit I was really getting over the whole thing. Fortunately, Shrub was willing to hep' a blogger out and gave me a new entry for the day. If he wasn't such a bigot you would had had to read about the dog shit in my yard.

But, then today. It snowed and snowed and snowed some more and I think it may be snowing still. So I said "Hey! I have this meme thing I was going to do earlier and didn't! I could just um, build on it. I like snow!

Snow with out further ado

1. What are 3 things you love about the snow?

It's very dramatic as its falling, it looks like the weather is doing something. In my experience when you can see weather, it's not usually a good thing. Snow is visible and not for the most part, deadly. It's not like watching a tornado or a hurricane. It's a nice, mellow reminder that the weather is active and taking part in the world. I like to watch nature work sometimes. I do not love ice or ice byproducts; those are completely different and do not fall under the "not deadly" umbrella. Ice is bad. Boo.
It dressed up everything it touches after it has fallen and it photographs beautifully went out to pick up some lunch today and drove down the same way I that I go everyday to go home. I was looking at the houses, and they looked so pretty. One house had a motorcycle parked in front and it was covered with snow and I was like "Oh, that motorcycle has snow on it, isn't it pretty! Everything looks all post cardy when it has snow on it.
It makes the world it falls on silent. It really does. Everything goes and hides wherever it hides and it's so still. Dogger and I go on walks and it feels like we're the only creatures stirring. I really like it. It's very restful. Dogger thinks the snow smells wonderful. I do, however, refuse to take the blame for this snow. My former temp is to blame for the snow. She really wanted more snow. She got it. I hope she's happy with it.

3. What are 3 things you hate about the snow?
1.It eventually refreezes again and turns to ice, you can’t make snowballs all snow, and it makes your socks wet and cold. It was a big surprise that there are a variety of snows. I grew up with insta snow. It snowed and it was instantly gone. In the few minutes he hung around it made great snowballs and teeny, tiny snowmen. I didn't know that snow dried out and got powdery and useless. It is great for skiing, but I never thought about how it got that way. I thought it was Special Mountain Edition snow. I thought high altitudes did something to it
2.Eventually gets all brown and dirty and gross and muddy and unpretty.

3.It makes going to the store hard and the shelves empty once you get there. People here behave as thought the sky itself is falling. It snows all the damn time and these people react like they are facing Armageddon. Every damn time.

What are the 3-funniest/funniest moments you can remember that happened on a snow day?

We didn’t have snow days when I was little. It didn’t snow and if it did snow it had melted by morning. We always went to school. I don’t remember any funny/ ist/er event.

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