Saturday, March 20, 2004

Greetings from the Public Library

The 2004 Luddite Tour is adding dates! It was such a smashing success the last time I had to take my blog on the road I thought that if I kept it up indefinitely, I could become Cher or The Eagles! Woo-Hoo!

Anyway. This Saturday is all ready almost better than last Saturday as I managed to get through the entire morning with out setting off any alarms or having disembodied voices from on high (on the wall) ask me if I was really all right!

Last Saturday I got up, put shoes on and went and got Dogger out of her box. We went to the front door, opened the front door and started out.

As I was walking out the door I heard a siren going off. "Oh, someone's alarm is going off. I wonder how long that has been going off? Wait. THAT'S MY ALARM!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!". I yanked on Doggers leash to get her into the living room so I could run and turn off the alarm, which I should have done before I tried to take her out in the first place. I'm tugging her leash and she's not in the living room. She's on the front porch and I and most of her leash are still inside and she's looking at me through the screen door and the alarm is going off and she can not open the door herself and it is taking a really long time for me to get a handle on all this. It's easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle and to get a large Dogger through a closed door.

All the while the siren is screeching.

I finally get the Dogger into the house and turn off the alarm. The Dogger is going wild, the Kitty is freaking out, and a disembodied Voice From On High (of the wall) is questioning my mental status.

"I'm FINE!! I report to the Voice, the Voice sounds like it thinks I'm really being held captive by an intruder and I'm just saying "I'm Fine" to make the voice go away. "No, Really" I say "I'm fine! I went though the wrong door. I forgot to turn off the alarm, I'm fine"

"Are You Sure?"

The Dogger and The Kitty don't like the Voice From On High (on the wall). Which makes the VFOH (OTW), more uneasy. Again Are you All Right?



Last Saturday, I had my own computer.


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