Friday, March 12, 2004

I just finished watching Wonder Falls. I really liked it. So it should only have about six episodes. I thought the dialogue, while interesting, seemed very w r i t e n and stiff - Like the writer had these little conversations saved up and was just waiting for a chance to use them - they didn't have much to do with who the characters are over all and to each other. And I would have liked the lead to be a little less, um, stiff. Sometimes it seemed like she was reading from cue cards . In several scenes it just seemed to be more about a chance for the writer to have the characters say these things, these very clever things, instead of developing character or relationships or moving the plot forward.

I like good writing, but I don't want to sit there and think "Wow, that was a very cool little exchange", it's like noticing the set or the costumes - nothing is supposed to be more important than the story. I guess once we know the characters better and the writers have had more time with them, they will actually have conversations about things. It was just the pilot after all.

When the lead was speaking to the toys, I liked it. She was much better with the objects then she was with the actual people and that was a good bit about showing us who she is with out telling us how she is. There could be a danger of that world being populated by ciphers instead of actual characters, but that should self correct once the show inevitably departs from being an anthology to having story arcs. I have hope. Watch it next week, it's interesting. It's like a secular Gen X version Joan of Arcadia.

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