Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Poor Kitty. Now that it has gotten hot all he can bring himself to do is flomp on the carpet like a discarded stole. He is very unhappy. He rests up so he can throw himself at the hallway door in an attempt to get at the nephdogs whom install themselves on the other side of that door there with the hope that eventually Kitty will rest up enough to make it though.

Once it gets hot, usually about May Day, Kitty no longer initiates physical contact whatsoever. He just wants to find a cool spot and concentrate on shedding and then he wants to lay as flat as possible and hate me. I've gone all summer with out seeing him. So it came as a huge shock when he jumped up on my lap in the middle of a Charmed rerun the other day.

Me - Baby Kitty! how's my pumpkin?

Kitty - Why do you hate me?

Me - Oh Sweetie! I don't hate you; you're my smallest baby! I lurve you!

Kitty - Why won't you let me outside?

Me - It's too hot. It makes you pant when you go outside when it's hot like this. Remember?

Kitty - You mad me walk around on a leash. I don't want to walk around outside. I want to lie down.

Me - There are too many mosquitoes outside, You'll get all itchy.

Kitty - Frontline ™ remember? I am impervious!

Me - You are impetuous. It's too hot.

Kitty - You let those dog beasts outside!

Me - That's different.

Kitty - In what way? They have fur too. More fur over more space.

Me - They don't have their own boxes. They have to go outside. Sometimes it takes a while. When I'm out there with them, I get hot.

Kitty - They're dogs. They need to be watched. I do not. I don't need you out there with me. I waaaaaannnnnnnnnnttttttttttt to go ooooouuuuttttssidddee!

Me - Baby! I can't leave them out there alone. They might bite each other and you know Dogger can't be in the back yard unsupervised! She might eat the air conditioner or the little dog. It's very hot for me too. I don't like it out there.

Kitty - But I waaaaaannnnnnnnnnttttttttttt to go ooooouuuuttttssidddee!

Me - Do you want to go the basement to play with your bugs?

Kitty - I don't wanna chase bugs. I waaaaaannnnnnnnnnttttttttttt to go ooooouuuuttttssidddee!

Me - Sweetie. How about I lock the screen door and you stay in the entryway? You can smell the outside!

Kitty - I don't wanna "smell" the outside I waaaaaannnnnnnnnnttttttttttt to go ooooouuuuttttssidddee!

Me - No.

Kitty - You love the dogs better. You love the new dogs more then you love your old cat! You don't love me!

Me - Hey! That is so not true! And you were outside the other day, remember? You got out. You went right through the door. I had to go find you.

Kitty - I was under the truck. I was barely outside. See what happens if you won't take me outside, I have to take matters into my own hands.

Me - No! No going outside. That was a huge mistake. Something will eat you out there! my poor little itty-bitty kitty! Look snookums, how about a deal? I'll put you outside -

Kitty - Outside!!!!!!

Me - … In your crate…

Kitty - Noooooooo! Not in the crate! outside outside - My Inner jauguar!!!! No Crate!

At this he jumped down and hid under the coffee table. I could hear him shedding. Later on after I went to bed, he knocked my stereo off the shelf and went online...

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