Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Message In A Dog Bowl

Dear Dog Mom and Dog Dad,

Are you mad at us? You went away and now you aren't here. We aren't at home. You were at this place but then you went away. Sometimes you go to the store. You must be at the store you have been at the store for a very long time. Aunt Cookie says you went to a store called Frants. Are you buying us snacks? But not the last snacks you bought us. Those snacks made us feel bad, are you mad at us because we felt bad? We won't feel bad again. Will you come back now from the Frants?

Aunt Cookie gives us a lot of snacks. We love Aunt Cookie. Aunt Cookie also lets us sleep on the other Futon. It is a more comfortable Futon then our Futon. It is a flat Futon. Aunt Cookie is very nice to us. You have been gone a long time so now we live at a different place now. It doesn't smell like the other place but we're working on it. Aunt Cookie says it's time for a B,A,T,H.

We play Docccer every day in our yard with the Other Dog. The Other Dog gets in the way of Winston when Winston is playing Doccer. The Other Dog does not understand that only Winston can play Doccer. The Other Dog runs around a lot. The Other Dog wants to eat Bandits ears. Aunt Cookie made Bandits ears feel wet, Bandit thought this was an ear bath and when The Other Dog tried to eat Bandits wet ears The Other Dog made a face. The Other Dog doesn't want to eat Bandits ears now.

We spend a lot of time looking out the windows. There are different sounds at this place. Sometimes we smell cooking sometimes we smell flower smell. We also hear loud sounds and deep sounds that are loud. We hear our old friends Sirens too, we sing along with the Sirens so the Sirens they will know we are here now.

In this place we have two windows to go to. We have to keep checking the windows for new smells. We look out the windows many, many times a day. We both need to smell some smells. There may be Other, Other Dogs. Where are the Other Dogs? Do they have windows at Frants? What do you smell out your window? We like windows.

Why couldn't we come with you? We would stay in the truck. We would not fart in the truck if you took us to the Frants. If you came back and took us back there with you, we would stay in the Frants parking lot and guard the truck. We would not fart in the truck even if we had to spend all day in the truck.

Most of the time we sleep. Sometimes we sleep on the floor. Sometimes we sleep on the Futon. Sometimes we take turns sleeping on the Futon sometimes we both sleep on the floor, but not in the same place. Parts of the floor are Winston's and parts are Bandits. Winston sleeps in the front of the flat Futon but Bandit likes the side of the flat Futon. We miss our Futon, but our Futon is way away. We don't know where our Futon is. Did you take our Futon to the Frants with you? .

We think there may be a cat in the building.

Are the dogs at the Frants good at protecting the truck? Are the dogs using our Futon? Where are you? Why aren't you here? Did we make you mad? Are you going to come back from the Frants? Aunt Cookie says it we will have more awake and asleep until you come back from the Frants. Come Home Soon.


Winston and Bandit.

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