Friday, August 6, 2004

Fun With Kitty or I am the Gabor sister they don't talk about

I had another idea of how I could carry kitty through the airport with out adding to my carry-on number.

Kitty as The cat in The Hat! . Mike Myers did it, why can't my actual cat? He certainly looks more like TCITH, and he has that whole real life feline thing going for him. I really think that Kitty would be thrilled to wear a tall stripy hat. It's just about all he would need to; he all ready has the rest of the costume. I think he could either pose as a stuffed animal, which was what we discussed the other day or I could claim he was a very small child who really, really, really liked The Cat In The Hat and had insisted he dress like him. I could be an excellent seamstress and I could have made him a little cat suit. He could demand to wear it all the time… kids do that right? Insist on wearing stupid things all the time? Pretend they are say a dinosaur or a princess or a transformer toy? And I could just be his weak willed Mother who can't or won't tell the child "No". I might be working on helping him build his sense of self. It might be damaging to his little self-image if I forced him to dress like what he is. - And who are the airlines to keep my "child" from fully realizing his sense of self?

I do think that they stuffed animal ploy is probably the best idea though. People carry toys on the planes. I could have a real problem with air travel, I might be under doctors' orders to have this stuffed thing with me, and I might lose my mind if you take it away or claim it is a different thing entirely. Kitty might really be a hot water bottle or a place to stow my pajamas or a kicky little purse or a backpack. I think definitions are really a very personal thing, don't you? Aren't labels really a bad thing anyway? What is a cat? What is a cat crate? Are either of these things more then what you say they are? Isn't Kitty as a creature of God more then just another bag of golf clubs or a cooler full of lobster? Doesn't he deserve the same respect afforded to other passengers? Does he not bleed? And now that I am thinking on it, he has a ticket, he is a whole passenger to himself. He isn't just my carry on; he should be able to have two bags of his own!

I think he needs a bag to carry his lovey, he does a really good job of carting it around the house, upstairs, through the living room, jumping up on the bed - I just think that he might get fatigued if he had to carry it at top speed all the way through the terminal. Yes, he should have his own carry on bag. I wonder if they will buy that he is an actual passenger? I mean, I think it is a good argument. I had to pay to have him aboard, there are a limited number of spots for animals on the plans and you don't have to buy a spot for your suitcase - he is a passenger damn it! And he should have his own carry on! And mine! He can carry mine too, because he is such a gentleman. Okay. Solved. Kitty is not a carry on and I should be able to pack like a Gabor sister. Huuummph.

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