Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Hot Stuff!

You may have heard about Tom Delay having a little trouble? Here it is. And its a big'un. The Texas Indictments taken from The First Draft.

Okay, most of those on the surface are jist good ol' boys doin' bidness but along with those GOB are eight companies. One of those companies is Westar. Follow the link below to a smoking gun.

Ow! It's hot! And the smoke is hurting my eyes! - Weststar memo with instructions on who to pay off and how much for what. Its a PDF file, but call it up and read it. You want to know how to make the government work for you? Write a republican a check. Link taken from Public Citizen

Along with those GOB are eight companies. The biggest Good Ol' Boy in the line up is the GOP itself -

The Republican National Committee - the money laundering charges stem from TRM-PAC's efforts to avoid the law. Corporate checks were bundled together and transferred to the Republican Party, who then cut checks for TRM-PAC for the exact same amount as the corporate donations. Both Ellis and Colyandro were indicted for this practice, but someone at the national level will have to take the fall as well. from The First Draft

Where is Woodward and Bernstein when you really, really, really need

Thank you! Atrios
Thank you! The First Draft
Thank You! Public Citizen

These are the people standing between us and a totalitarian state.

All of the above all together in the same place easier to understand. Lifted from Off the Kuff

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