Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Is it time To Go Home Yet?

I've been back to work for a total of two days and I all ready need a vacation. Gawd. Today I stood for six hours making copies. The damn pile of paper did not shrink. It just sat there on the table and made more of itself. Every time I thought I was making progress on it, suddenly there would be like an extra-hounded pages. Sigh. And I'm not done yet. I had to stop because my feet hurt and the machine was getting hot and had started to eat pages and get jammed and I was finished with the greatest part of it and my feet really hurt.

I went to the kick off thing in the morning and scored many new pens and a foam truck toy from Feed the Children. This year it was all about cork and leather coasters and little sticky note pads. I also got a thing that looks like a beetle and might be a large paper clip. I won a door prize! Yay! I heard from one of the secretaries that while she was at the event (after I left) they pulled out my name and announced it. I haven't heard from them yet and it's making me nervous. I don't think it was one of those " Must Be Present To Win" things. I want to call someone but I don't know who to call and if that would be small on my part. Its just that I don't win things, like ever, I just don't win things at all and so when I do - It's A Big Deal. I want my door prize.

The event was to introduce us to the groups on our United Way list. I think I'm leaning towards the group that brought costumed greyhounds and had a little dog in a devil suit. We had a group at the Facility that brought dogs in and it meant a lot to everyone in the building. I mean its not like supporting the Cancer Foundation or Feed The Children, but I think my little $60 a year might actually help them out and make a difference. I mean, puppies! in costumes! visiting little old people in nursing homes.

It turns out that missing the last meeting of the Young Women's Caucus did not end up with me on the executive committee, as I had feared. I was the only "Indian" at the meeting and that was not as much fun as it could have been. I did buy a snazzy pink YWC baby-tee and finally talked to someone about canvassing my neighborhood. I've wanted to do that since my very first precinct meeting way last spring. I did come away with the idea that my neighborhood is redlined. We, are going to go do some voter registration thing at a woman's college near by and I asked about the historic black college also near by and that went no where. "Someone" is going to go there, I was assured. "Someone?" aren't there a lot of young women there? Aren't they our target audience? Are we not all about empowerment? I thought it was a cop out. I think they would prefer to stick to their neighborhoods. "My" neighborhood is not "their neighborhood" and they don't want to go there. I think I scared the girl when I told her I had spoken with the drug dealers next door and they had assured me they were registered to vote. "Someone" else is there they say. Who? I haven't seen any signs of campaigning; no one has come to canvas at my door. Tell me who "Someone" is and have them give me a call. I want to do something in my neighborhood. This is chicken shit."Someone" smells to me.

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