Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Long Weekends Journey into Tuesday

Three days of freedom! Woo-Hoo, 72 hours of joy!!! Lost Weekend here I Come!


Did you know that the Biography Channel can run Night Court for hours with out stopping? Or that I sat there and watched it for hours and hours and hours? It’s only a half hour show! I really wanted to go out and sit in the sun and be all outside and stuff but every time I got ready to get up and go outside, it would start raining and getting windy and then I had to stay inside and that only led to more Night Court.

It was on the air for nine years. It didn’t go off the air until 1992. Damn. It had like almost 200 episodes. I also found time to look it up on the internet to see if it had any websites or episode guides still out there, because once I sat on my ass for three hours paralyzed by the theme music, I was hooked

I had forgotten how many Public Defenders they ran through, three or that Dan wasn’t always a scuzbucket. I did kind of remember that he ended up with Christine but I didn’t realize it was in the last episode.

And, Data! I had forgotten he was on! He was so young and pathetic and flesh toned. Not at all android-y. Gawd, this show went on and on and on! And then it when on some more. I had no idea. Nine years!. I watched it in repeats at school. It aired at 6:30 and I watched it after dinner every night. Dinner at five, Night Court at 6:30. Everyday. Sigh. Dinner in the college cafeteria. Memories... And it was still on the air for real. I’m not sure I knew it was still running or that if it was just somewthing I watched in reruns.

What else did I spend the long weekend doing? I took Dogger on many walks, one to the forest and to swim in the creek, and I gave her a bath. I also made her home made dog biscuits.

Three kinds.

I looked at a lot of recipes. One had 15 different ingredient. 15 for dog food! All natural dog food. I couldn’t do that. My food doesn’t have 15 ingredient, I’m certainly not going to make her food better then mine. I’m nice but not that nice.

One of them is made of liver. Real, live liver. Ewww. I had to scrape liver off my arms. Do you know what happens to liver in the blender? Have you ever kneaded anything with raw liver as an ingredients?

Have I mentioned that I love my dog?

The rest of you probably spent the weekend lolling around in the sun or building homes for Habitat or coloring your hair. I made dog biscuits A lot of dog biscuits. Peanut butter, cheese and the afermentioned liver. Dogger likes them. She also likes my socks.

I did spend some time reading the Hurricane Frances threads at Fark.com. I was addicted. I had been reading them since Friday when most of the posters were just finishing getting their homes protected and searching for beer. Then they got tired of waiting and you could just see them rocking back and forth in their chairs whimpering because the storm wasn’t getting there and the waiting was killing them.

And the then storm was there and they were hoping the it wouldn't kill them.

The threads went on forever. They finally had to start new ones because they were getting so unwieldy. Fascinating though, you should go and read them if they are still there.

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