Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Spin Cycle

Kerry was right when he said that Bush "lives in a world of spin". The current president doesn't have any grasp of what is actually happening either in Iraq or on the Domestic Front. He sees only what he wants it to be, and if he wants Iraq to transform into Mayberry, it shall and we shall as well. In his mind he sees Iraq as Mayberry pre- Andy Griffith, possibly a little street crime, some minor vandalism and a few, isolated hooligans.

In Bushes World of Spin, sheriff Andy (or Shrub) takes over and the whole town (or Country) voluntarily, picks itself up, shakes itself off, sends the hooligans to Andy (or Gitmo) for a firm talking to and gets back to business.

George Bush needs to believe in this version of Iraq. To believe elsewise would be to admit defeat. He can't let himself understand in how much trouble he and his little proto-Mayberry are in. His callus disregard for our fallen troops is just a symptom of his denial - no one is getting hurt (17,000 U.S. troops!) no one is dyeing (over a 1000 U.S Troops!) we are wanted there and we are doing good works ( thousands of dead Iraqi) No amount of facts or increased death toll will convince him that Iraq hasn't achieved Mayberry and isn't going to. He wants it to, so it shall and it must be Mayberrying it up at this very moment. If Iraq and Bushco are lucky, Iraq may one day achieve Detroit.

Iraq will never be Mayberry. But Bush understands Mayberry. He likes it there. Everything is clean, there are no black people, women know their place and a big affable popular guy is in charge.

Bush in Denial

link from Atrios

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