Monday, October 11, 2004

Stop Sinclair Broadcasting!

You remember Sinclair Broadcasting as the anti-troop organization that refused to air a Nightline episode that featured the names and faces of our troops killed in the line of duty in Iraq - because they claimed that recognizing their sacrifice was "anti-war". Now they are airing a piece of agit-prop that attacks the heroism of a serviceman during wartime. STOP THEM.

The conservative-leaning Sinclair Broadcast Group, whose television outlets reach nearly a quarter of the nation's homes with TV, is ordering its stations to preempt regular programming just days before the Nov. 2 election to air a film that attacks Sen. John F. Kerry's activism against the Vietnam War, network and station executives familiar with the plan said Friday.

FCC Regulations

Broadcast Journalism. Under the First Amendment and the Communications Act, the FCC cannot tell stations how to select material for news programs, and we cannot prohibit the broadcasting of an opinion on any subject. We also do not review anyone's qualifications to gather, edit, announce, or comment on the news; these decisions are the stations responsibility.

Political Broadcasting.

• Broadcasts by Candidates for Public Office. When a qualified candidate for public office has been permitted to use a station, the Communications Act requires the station to "afford equal opportunities to all other such candidates for that office." The Act also states that the station "shall have no power of censorship over the material broadcast" by the candidate. We do not consider either of the following two categories as a "use" that is covered by this rule:

* An appearance by a legally qualified candidate on a bona fide newscast, interview or documentary (if the appearance of the candidate is incidental to the presentation of the subject covered by the documentary); or

* on-the-spot coverage of a bona fide news event (including political conventions and related incidental activities).

• Political Editorials. Within 24 hours of airing an editorial where the station itself either supports or opposes a candidate for public office, it must transmit the following three things to the other qualified candidate(s) for the same office or to the candidate who was opposed in the editorial: (1) notification of the date and the time of the editorial; (2) a script or tape of the editorial; and (3) an offer of a reasonable opportunity for the candidate or a spokesperson for the candidate to respond on the air.

List of Companies that advertise with Sinclair Broadcasting
(courtesy nutmeg/

Halls Fruit Breezers
Sylvan Learning Centers
Kentucky Fried Chicken
ITT Tech *
Ford Motor Company
Yahoo DSL
Taco Bell
Warner Brothers *
Century 21
Prudential * *
General Motors
Mountain Dew
Titan TV *
Miller Lite
Ringling Brothers
Oak Express
ABC Solutions
Kentucky Lottery
Florida Lottery
Lincoln Mercury
H&R Block

Find Your Local Sinclair stations and let them know what you think of this programming choice. then File a complaint with the FCC I did and I feel much better. Complain, complain, complain - to anyone and every one, Make these anti-troop lowlifes pay for their choice. This group a big GOP donor.

thanks to Boycott Sinclair Broadcasting and Tom Tomorrow

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