Friday, November 5, 2004


Well. That was the week that was. Wasn’t that fun, don’t you wish you could go through that again?

I’m excited. I get to go shopping this weekend and buy things. Yay. And not just “things”, stuff for me! Like new shoes and maybe some slacks and a blazer and maybe a dinner outfit… I also have to take The Kitty to the vet on Saturday and that should be fun. That’s going to be a busy day. I have to go into work in the morning to get things tidied up before I leave so I can spend Monday and Tuesday doing requests and cleaning my desk off. I wonder how much he would hate coming to work with me on Saturday? I don’t know though, his last experience with being in his box for several hours wasn’t a good one, so maybe I’ll just leave him at home.

Taking Dogger to the vet is a much less stressful proposition, she likes the vet, she likes driving to the vet. Everything vet related is okay with her. She doesn’t even mind getting her temp taken. She goes to the office and gets all kind of love from everybody there, all kinds of compliments and attention. I did get a letter from the vet about Doggers heartworm med, I don't want to hear anything negitive about my boyfriend, the heartworm med, I love it. Twice a year she gets shot and it costs way less then having to buy a monthly heartworm solution and I don’t have to remember anything. It also cuts out the monthly “Where did I put that and why did I move it from where it was before” aspect of her flea meds that I have such a great time with. Anyway. The letter said that the medication was just pulled by the veterinary arm of the FDA and removed from shelves. Damn. So, I called the vet and asked about this and asked what their solution to this little problem was. I would have asked what this stuff may have done to my dog but I don’t want to know, If anything goes wrong with her, its their fault anyway – they told me there was another drug that could be used that is administered the same way and is just as effective – Good! I said, sign me up. Well, they said. We don’t have it in the office yet, Okay, I said. I’m not due back there until January, will you have it then? Well, they said, Maybe…


While I had them on the phone I casually mentioned that the Kitty was having some rather delicate lower GI problems and was there anything they could suggest OTC for me to give him to, um, firm up the situation… cheaply because the fact that I spend more money on my pets healthcare then I spend on my own, galls me. Well, they said, we can’t really suggest you do that, you have to bring him in. Dayum.That was the the meme I was going for, what I meant to say was I do not want to spend the extra money to take him to you, what can I do that does not include a pricy office visit?. I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this. Kitty hates every minute of the vet. He hates the vet, the vet’s technician, the desk help, the smell of the building, the look of the parking lot and the other animals that are there. Getting is temperature is a nasty job and so far, no one has been able to do it successfully. I would think they would remember what a hellion he is and maybe rethink this whole office visit thing. They also said something about not feeding him twelve hours before his appointment… that will be fun. I mean, he gets cranky when his food is a little stale, he’ll just love it when there isn’t any food at all.

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