Wednesday, November 3, 2004


Dear Reader People,

Hi! This is Dogger. I am writing this because Mommy asked me to. She is sad. Very sad. She came back from somewhere with “results” and she came straight for my box. I was very happy because I thought this meant we were going to go somewhere! But we didn’t. Mommy crawled into my box and made sad sounds. Poor Mommy. My box is not made for two! Mommy needs to find another place. Mommy told me “to get the hell out, she bought his box, its her box and she’ll spend as much time in it as she pleases!” She told me to “Go! Go! Go!”. Where? I love to go! Can we go in the car! Lets go to the store! I love the store! Mommy said to just leave her alone and let her die in peace. Mommy just wants to make it all go away. She is very sad. She is also mad at North Carolina for electing a Nazi like Burr instead of the really nice Mr. Bowles. It makes her sad. I still want to Go! Mommy says we are all going to go to hell for this. What this? What did I do? Did Dogger make Mommy this sad?! I want to make Mommy happy! She says we’re going to be punished for this - who is going to be punished! Me?! I hope not! Mommy says she wants to live in my box where its safe.

Mommy is in a ball now, like a cold dog. She tried to use me as a pillow but I didn’t like that. I am not a pillow. I am a Dog. A proud Dog. I am not a pillow. So Mommy is in the box by herself, she made me get out of my box to do this because she is too sad. She is also muttering something about “dying alone”, but I don’t know why she says that. If she dies, I’m here and the not dog is here somewhere so she won’t die alone. Silly Mommy.

Mommy went to this thing in the car and it smells like there were a lot of people there. I bet is smelled really good. Mommy went because she didn’t want to watch the results things come in by herself, again, she is not by herself! Me and the not dog are right here! Mommy didn’t stay there very long. She must have known me and the not dog really miss her when she’s not here. I can’t go outside and pee when she’s not here. I like to go outside and pee. The other night I threw up inside! Mommy was sad then too. She was mad at the flying buzzy bug things and then I made a mess in the hallway, and the room with the carpet and she was just sad. Mommy just said something about “Canada”. I don’t know what a Canada is. Is it a chewy? I’m scared of chewys now, a bad chewy made me sick and now I’m afraid that all chewys are bad sick making things.

Mommy just said something about “crushed hopes” and tried to make herself an even smaller ball in my crate. Mommy needs a hug.

Mommy is sad.

Mommy did mention that the governor won, but she doesn’t really care about that. Mommy doesn’t care about anything anymore . I love Mommy and I need to go pee! I need Mommy to care about taking me out to pee! I care about peeing.


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