Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Doing Lunch

My first plan for lunch was to go home pick up a couple of things I want to get in the mail and hit the post office. Then the power went off at the office and I had some time to think about the prospect of trying to mail things over the lunch hour and I decided to make other plans.

I voted for taking my book and going to Wendy’s. I like Wendy’s, or actually I like my Wendy’s. The company is probably owned by the GOP and the corporate office staffed by raging neocons and the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz, but I have learned to like their french fries and the store is on the right side of the street so I can avoid a nasty lunch hour u-turn situation.

Anyway. I leave the office and hit the Wendy’s. There is a tour bus outside. Terrific. I walk in the door and find it was a tour bus filled with uniformed junior high kids. Blech. The tour bus, the chillrin and the french fries become moot when I open my purse and my wallet isn’t there. I thought for one moment as I was leaving for lunch that my purse seemed a little light, but I chalked it up to leaving my cell at home. No. The cell was in the purse. The wallet was not.

Where was the wallet? The wallet was at home in the pocket of the coat I wore for Doggers run. I always bring some ID with me in case the PTB decided that today is the day to enforce the No Dogs Allowed part of the posted official rules of use for the ball field. So I bring my wallet. Makes no sense whatsoever, because if I get kicked out by the rec center folks, they are not going to be checking my ID against known terrorists, but you never know. Tom Ridge has not yet left the building and Rumsefeild refuses to go. It is smart to be prepared.

Last night after Doggers run, I went to the grocery because I ran out of soda and I can not run out of soda. It’s a law. It may not be on the state books but if you look it’s a codicil to some pork barrel project. I don’t get why they singled me out for this law but they did. I have to have soda in my house at all times, but I do. I’m law abiding.

So. In the door way of the grocery - Again I go somewhere and realize too late I don’t have something I need. In this case, I need my check book which lives in my purse which is back at home because I don’t want to take it with me when I take Dogger for her run and leave it in the car in the lot because There Is A Chance it’ll get stolen. Not that I have any evidence that are purse thieves are running roughshod through the neighborhood, there might be little nascent purse thieves just looking for the opportunity to hit the big time and they might get that chance if my purse was left unprotected in my car all because I need to buy cat dust. So. No cat dust for me. I could have picked up the dust but I don’t want to burn all my cash on household crap. I want to burn it all on Happy Meal Toys and trips to the Flea Market.

Instead of reading my book and enjoying my lunch hour, I rushed home, rescued my wallet, laid out clothes so I can run right back out the door when I get home after work so Dogger can have that 5 extra minutes to run around before it gets dark, hit the KFC and still made it back to the office in under an hour. I rock.

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