Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Red Meat

I'm sure all of you have at least seen some reference to the Gannan/Guckert scandal? Its everywhere. Great work on the part of the folks who did the investigation. This ladies and gentlemen is the power of the internet and the proof of what we, the greater we, the little guy, the computer owner, the internet surfer, what WE can do, what we should be doing. We can not let the red menace be the only group looking for things to bring to light. This wasn't something someone saw a reference to in the newspaper or on the news. This wasn't news until they made it news. We should all strive to do this sort of thing. We can do this and we should be doing it daily. The White House is hiding being a wall and its our job to bring the wall down. Brick, by brick, by brick. Think of all the things and people who could be sorted out and brought to light if more of us did things like this.

Go to America Blog and The Daily Kos and Atrios and read all about the sordid affair. The good guys won this one.

The fake reporter in question was the lamo who would ask pro-GOP, pro-Shrub soft ball questions at press conferences. He worked for a GOP house organ, but more seriously, may be the source of the Plame leak- which would be very convenient for the admin, if they could pin it on one person, one little non- appointee, a little nothing to take the hit - but that would mean they told their little house organ monkey and they would still burn for it. This makes four paid reporters on the GOP teat, there will be more.

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