Thursday, February 10, 2005


Two of the blogs I read have been talking about their sick kitties o of the kitties has diabetes and the other has COPD. These are serious problems and they make me sad for both the bloggers and their kitties. I read them and say “Oh, that is so sad! Those poor kitties! Poor Bloggers!” and then I say “Dayum! They wrote checks for how much?” And then I say a prayer for Kitty and sincerely hope he stays healthy.

Kitty did not stay healthy.

About a month ago, or maybe a little longer I noticed that kitty’s box was how can I say this politely? fuller then normal? And I said, “Hmm, the box is fuller than normal”. I cleaned it out and made a note to buy more cat dust. So. Time passes, it gets time to go get the little animals rabies shots and I casually mention to the vet that kitty may have the trots and he may have been trotting for awhile, but I had changed his food... the vet said that was why Kitty was trotting and that it may take as long as a month to get him back to his regular, um, pace. I put him back on his regular food and waited to see a change.

I was still waiting when I started finding cat bombs or cat barf outside the litter box and all over my carpet, things happen , animals barf they make messes and you clean them up, So I cleaned them up and discovered which of my throw rugs were launderable. They needed to be washed anyway. I wasn’t really worried, because the vet said that it was normal and it would pass.

Then my little nephdog got sick and I started to look at my animals closer. Really close, like I have a big microscope and they spend a lot of time under it.. With Dogger its like “Oh My God! Are you still eating your dinner? What’s wrong with you? Have you lost your appetite? Can you not eat your food? Why aren’t you eating your food as quickly this morning! Have you lost weight? You’re just putting on a good face! You’re tired aren’t you?!” OH MY GOD YOU HAVE CANCER! When you have dog cancer on the mind, its everywhere and everything looks like a symptom. Is she too tired? What is this lump? Is it a roll of skin or is it a tumor?

Kitty. The longer Kitty was trotting around, the more time I had to study him, literally from the inside out. I now more about the Kitty then I ever wanted to know. I think a good relationship has some mystery to it and then he started barfing. I started to really worry, CAT CANCER. This is my baby! I love him and something is very wrong.

I had enough and my throw rugs were getting swimmers ear. I called the vet to make an appointment. “Hi, I need to get my cat into to see the doctor? I think HE HAS CAT CANCER? No, its not an emergency (my inability to bring the cat to the vet before he was terminal is really not their fault), Saturday would be fine”. That was Monday, Tuesday, I came home to a giant cat box and hours later he repainted the bathroom.

By 5pm Wednesday we were at the vets office.

Blood Sample
Lab Work package STAT
Differential exam of blood cells STAT
Blood cell count STAT
Internal Organ Function Screen STAT

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