Monday, March 28, 2005

Can “re-education camps” be far behind?

"Christians are a lot more bold under Bush's leadership, he speaks what a lot of us believe," said Mummert. "We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture," he said, adding that the school board's declaration is just a first step.

Yeah. Ya just got to hate those educated and intelligent people! How dare they be all smart and schooled! Ever body should be dumb and unedumacted! Don't no one need all that pansy assed book learn'n and knowlegey stuff. Being stupid is its own reward - and even better, if you are a true Khristan, you have to be a moron, the only things you need to know about the world, you learn at church from the preacher who learns all he needs to learn about the world from FAUX news and passes that along to his flock who take it as gospel who then hang around outside hospices threatening to kill the people they feel are in the way of a brain dead woman's "life".

Because education isn't Khristan and any Christian who bothers to learn something outside the confines of the bible isn't a good Khristan, because according to Mr.Mummert, we are supposed to be idiots! Christians shouldn't be educated!a "good" Christian is a dumb Christian. We can thank George W. Bush for that and all those people. Dumb person = Bush Voter.

go here for the rest of the story. Stolen part and parcel from Atrios

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