Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The tailbone’s connected to the EVERYTHING!! OW

I fell down my attic stairs Saturday morning. What a terrific way to start out the weekend. It made the whole weekend just trudge by.

Q - Do you know how often you use your tailbone?
A – More then you would guess!

For instance, your tailbone is connected to your nose! True! When you sneeze, your tailbone reacts! You just never noticed before. Take a moment and sneeze, See? Feel that tailbone! Feel it do its thing! You know when else you use your tailbone? All The Damn Time. Even if the tailbone itself is not immediately involved with the activity - Blink your eyes, the tailbone is involved! Really! It’s an amazing little body part. I wanted to know more about this body part so I went online.

Tailbone Injuries, or So, You Fell On Your Ass

What is a tailbone injury?

Your tailbone (coccyx) is actually made up of several bones that are located at the end of your lower back. Tailbones can be bruised or broken. Good to know. I would hate to think I’m in this much “discomfort” because I had mearly hurt its feelings

How does it occur?

A tailbone injury usually occurs from a direct fall onto the coccyx. Be a moron and slip and fall down a flight of stairs, it works real well.

What are the symptoms?

You fell on your ass and now its hurts!. Your tailbone is very tender. You have pain when you are sitting. You may also have pain when you walk. True that! You may have pain when you cough, sneeze, try to dress yourself or attempt to move your body in any way.

How is it diagnosed?

Did you fall on your ass? does it still hurt?. Your health care provider will review your symptoms and examine your back and tailbone. He or she may order an x-ray to see if your tailbone is broken. The pain.If suddenly, you can’t sit down or get comfortable and you think you may have fallen on your ass sometime in the near past? You might have messed up your tailbone. Don’t bother with your doctor, they can’t put a cast on it – save your cash, eat a lot of OTC pain killers, but not too much as OD-ing on Tylenol would be very embaressing as well as potentially life threatening.

How is it treated?

An injured tailbone needs time to heal. A bruised tailbone may take several days to several weeks to completely heal. A fractured tailbone takes 4 to 6 weeks to heal. In either case, people sometimes have pain for a long time. How about a bruised tailbone? Just what I wanted to hear. 4-6 weeks of sometning that felt good would get old after a while.

While your tailbone injury is healing it is very important to use a doughnut cushion when you are sitting. A doughnut cushion may be purchased at a medical supply house or you may use a child's swimming inner tube. I would as soon die

You should place an ice pack on your tailbone for 20 to 30 minutes every 3 to 4 hours for 2 to 3 days or until the pain goes away. Your health care provider may prescribe an anti-inflammatory or pain medicines. Again, sooner die. “Where are you going Diana? Oh, I’m going to ice my ass, I’ll be right back!

How can I prevent tailbone injuries?

Do Not Fall on your ass. Most tailbone injuries are caused by accidents that cannot be prevented. In some contact sports such as football or hockey, it is important to wear protective equipment. Hold on to the railings, dumb shit.

Thanks to All Refer and The University of Michigan


Maggie said...

Might I suggest another prevention method: do not lean down to the swimming pool, lose balance and go backwards hitting the edge of the pool. Almost 12 months later, and for the second time.....

Anonymous said...

Wahoo. Yesterday I "fell" (thumped from stair to stair on my ass) down half a flight of stairs. Now I can't do anything without it being a pain in the ass (no pun intended). Why do we have to have a tailbone? x_x I see no tail.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Just moved into a new house and I learned the hard way this afternoon that the kitchen floor is slippery when wet. I fell right on my tailbone.

Anonymous said...

Even better....tried out the big slide before my daughter and I hit all the humps all the way down. It hurts now to even touch my toes or sit on the floor to play with a puzzle.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, laughing is connected to the tailbone too. Ouch/Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hair removal cream works wonders...when it's on your legs...when on the shower floor, not so much. End result, my tailbone on the door railing and a nice big arse bruise...pun totally intended.

Anonymous said...

hilarious! Just how I am feeling right now...especially the ass connected to the nose part. Never thought a sneeze could hurt so much. I would say your post made me laugh my ass off, but that would be wishful thinking at this point.

suziQ said...

Here's a good one - skydiving, well actually it was landing swiftly and firmly back on the ground. I think it hurts worse when you caused it by doing something totally stupid (according to my mother).