Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Good Morning! Happy to back at work? Kind of? Maybe a little? Thinking that maybe what you really need is another day off to recover from your day off? Yeah. I feel you.

The good thing about having a Monday off is that you get to start the week on Tuesday but now you have all the first day of the week issues and your Tuesday issues as well. On The Same Day. Its just wrong. In my case, I was gone from work on Friday so I also have Friday issues to make up too, and calls to return because it doesn’t matter how universal the holiday is, there will always been some yutz who calls on the day off and is really offended that his call did not get returned in a timely manner. I have news for that guy, I never return messages in a timely manner! I’m a state employee, if you want to talk to me, you’re really going to have to keep trying back. If I don’t return your call inside the first hour after you called? I’m not going to call back and if you are calling about a patently dumb ass question, expect me to Sigh at you. I mean, its what I’m paid for. I am paid to make you feel stupid. Actually, I’m not paid much, so the fact I even answer my phone while I’m ast my desk says a lot about my awesome work ethic. Actually, it says more about how annoying and loud my phone ringer is, I’ll do anything including talk to an actual member of the public to make it stop ringing.

What else? I found out that cats can get the 24 hour flu and that it has about the same symptoms as a 24 flu in people. Kitty spent most of the weekend and barfing his guts out - but not at the same time, he didn’t barf under any deck chairs. He waited until he had carpet or wooden floors under foot to barf and barf he did, a lot. He woke me up from a sound sleep with his maniacal barfing. It was like The Exorcist meets ... I don’t know. It was gross and I don’t know where Kitty got that pea soup but I hope he got a bulk rate for it.

As for Dogger. Dogger decided that she was afraid of low flying plans and jet trails again. She also was afraid of boat motors and the sound of her own heart beat. Dogger was fun. There is nothing like forcing a 100 pound dog to do something it doesn’t want to. Have you ever tried to drag a hundred pound dog across a parking lot when it was bound and determined to go the other way? I would have had more luck trying to pull a car with the parking brake engaged across the parking lot - a least the car has wheels that roll, no parking brake as the force of 16 claws dug into the pavement plus a hundred pounds of pure doggy angst added in. I think Dogger should think about a second career as a protester. She needs top find a cause to champion because when she says HELL NO I WON’T GO! - girl dog means it .

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