Friday, May 13, 2005


So. Tired.

Kitty woke me up very, very early this morning. So early I didn’t mind at first because I assumed after I looked at the clock and it was all of 4:18am, that I would just go back to sleep. Right.

So. Tired.

I didn’t. Kitty followed his original wake up call a few minutes later by smashing a frame and shattering its glass and really waking me up and the neighbors and the dogs down the street – and he’s lucky he didn’t also alert the dogs downstairs.

Dogs? You say plural dog? Yes.

Did I mention being really, really, tired?

Nephdog is staying with me for the weekend. And Thursday and Friday andMonday. Fortunately, the dogs downstairs were not as woken up as I was and the neighbors and the dogs down the street. How would you react to having to tip toe around searching for broken glass at 5:15 am? Yeah, I thought so. Anyway. I would have liked it if at least the resident dog had made any effort to bark at the sound, growel a little. Nothing. Not a growl not a whimper. I doubt if Dogger even rolled over. It’s her house damn it! She could have at least pretended to care if things are getting smashed in it..

Zzzzzzzz.I am awake damn it!

This is the first time that I’ve had Nephdog in the house for an extended time that he didn’t stay in Camp Knotty Pine. His session there hasn’t started yet and I’m not a big enough person to share. Also? I didn’t want to have the time or the inclination to get Camp Knotty Pine all cleaned up and dog proofed. If it works out with the dogs sharing the office room, I may not have to send Nephdog to camp at all , Dogger seems to like having him room with her and Nephdog so far, seems to be dealing with Dogger pretty well too. I think it helps that Dogger is in her crate and Nephdog is out of her reach most of the time. My computer lives there too and a VCR and a TV and I don’t want to see them turned into dog toys. So, Dogger remains crated and I get to keep my consumer electronics.

Zzzzzzzz. Uh? What? Oh!

One of the dogs to smells. I’m pretty sure it is the dog that does not live there full time. Nephdog is getting a bath tonight whether he wants one or not, he will learn the adage that Dogger learned early – that Cleanliness is Next to Godliness and if we can not achieve Godliness, we can at definitely achieve cleanliness or at least we can smell clean.

I’m hoping that the dogs can give each other a little support while they are together, Nephdog is still reeling from his brother dogs’ death and Dogger is freaking out since the bird harassed her. I think they both need a little peer to peer counseling right now. Brosky said Nephdog has been crying every night and is losing fur – but I didn’t hear any dog crying last night and he seemed as furry this morning as he did last night and from past experience, when Nephdog wants to get your attention in the middle of the night, he gets it and carries it around in his mouth. He does not give up and he does not like being ignored – all Three Tenors doing vocal warm ups to with accompaniment of the USC marching band wouldn’t be as loud as Nephdog at 2:30am. The only time he made noise so far was when he wanted to go back outside and pee after he had all ready been outside to pee this morning or he just wanted another to get chance to chase the feral cats away from their breakfast. He got a chance to pee but the cats had all ready moved on the next stop of their movable feast.

Kitty and Nephdog got nose to nose this morning. Kitty won.

So. Tired.

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