Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Operation Dogger Freedom

AS you read yesterday, or I hope you read yesterday… I know you all print out each days entry and highlight important sections, store it in an acid proof setting and of course, memorize each word. Right. I don’t either. Okay, moving on. Dogger.

Dogger is thus far half way through her first day of semi-freedom and when I checked on her at lunch she hadn’t destroyed anything - yet although she still has several hours to fill and she might decided she needs a hobby or she might just decided that its too much work and just go back to sleep. I’m pretty sure that’s what she does all day anyway but prior to Operation Dogger Freedom she was in her crate all day and there wasn’t much else for her to do

Doggers’ Day

Roll Over
Itch Self
“Groom” Self
Drink Water
Chew Bone
Take Nap

But now, now she has an entire office room to roam around in. She’s tall enough to take things off the desk top if she wants to and she could knock her cookie box off its home on the roof of her crate if she could figure out that was what the box was holding. She could also chew the office chair, pee in exciting new places and if she was feeling really naughty – easily cruise right through the toddler gate and into the house at large. This would be a problem.

And I can’t just shut the door of the office. With the door closed the room gets stifling hot in a very short time and the door doesn’t shut all the way anyway and Dogger has no problem getting though doors. She could also jump the toddler gate if she really wanted to and she has in the past when I have used it as a barrier, she was a smaller dog then and she might have, now that she has grown, become too big to jump over the gate. I think what Operation Dogger Freedom needs is a taller and easier to secure toddler gate.

I survived my first full night with out The Kitty. Sigh. It looks like Kitty and Dogger did speak before Kitty left because Dogger seems to be filling in for The Kitty in the roll of sleep disturber. I had left Dogger out of her crate for the night but she started to whine at 1:30am and I had to get up and put her in her crate.

Oh, and because I can - If the guy you are going out with drives up in a truck that has the confederate flag emblazoned across the tail gate? And you go on to tell me about it and I make a face and groan, do not get huffy and lecture me using any variation on the phrase “Proud symbol of our Southern Heritage” because in my world it is a “Negative symbol of our Southern Heritage of ignorance, bigotry and forced servitude”.

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