Friday, July 1, 2005


Just in time for another trip to the beach my last beach sponsored sunburn has turned into a lovely tan and now I can go to the beach and not blind the passersby with my bright white self. It’s really rude to be that pale in public, also? I would hate for people to think I was some washed up dolphin. But now, now I am properly tanned and ready for exposure to the sun. I have burned off that pesky outer layer of skin and now I’m all about the leatheryness and the hidesness. I am proud to say I achieve this leathery hide the old fashioned way and not through use of modern chemicals or those commie tanning beds. If I wind up skin cancer it is going to be an organic skin cancer.

This time around before I go out of town, I am also planning on not forgetting to mow my lawn like I did last time. I may even do it early so that I won’t have to be all hurried about it; I also need the weather to promise that it will continue to rain everywhere but directly over my house as it did the other evening when I was out with Alphagal. It rained like a bitch a block from my house but when we got back there it was as dry as a bone. Not a drop of rain fell. I told Alphagal that the drug dealer has got some scary connections if he can even make sure that it doesn’t rain on his neighborhood. Now if he could do something about where the nasty things that shed from his tree onto my driveway, we would be golden and it would make it easier for me to over look the SUV parked in his yard.

I did end up taking Dogger on a walk last night. She has been really good lately about not freaking out and going into massive phobic spiraling freak outs on our walks – until last night. Dogger did not want to walk on a sidewalk that had some evil death from above sponsoring tree cover or shade as the rest of us non-phobics like to call it. This caused us to have to cross the street to a less shady sidewalk and later allowed us to check out some urban redevelopment projects that I hadn’t a chance to inspect before. There are three houses currently in process of being, um, redeveloped. One looks like as though its being torn down, that wouldn’t be a bad thing as from what is left of it shows a lot of damage that doesn’t look worth repairing. The other places look great and one is almost done. They have really gotten on the ball with the abandoned houses in my neighborhood and rescued them sad lives as crack houses. I’m always glad to see these properties being renovated or if necessary, torn down. Sadly, there are still a lot of places that despite all the work being done still desperately need to be brought under the hammer, I pass a number of boarded up houses on my way to work and any of them would be great projects for the redevelopers to fix up. I hope to get to more of thesse eyesores soon and if they really love us they would publicize when they have open houses so the rest of us can see what they look like inside. It would be nice.

It doesn’t look like I was the only one who opted to
Not to watch Shrubs TV show
the other night. It was his lowest ratings yet. I see a change in color coded Terra Alert thingy coming up, his Q Ratings do better when the nations fear is ratcheted up. Lets see what else, Pope Benedict tried to remind Spain that he’s their Daddy and they needed to do as he says and refuse basic rights to some of their people and Spain said “Hey, wait, you aren’t the boss of me!” and let human rights roll on. Go Spain!It always nice when a nation decides to not bow to theocracy. Remember when we used to live in a Democracy? Wasn’t it nice?

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