Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Where is a nice three day weekend when you need one? It stopped raining and once it dried out, it was all of a sudden, autumn. The drug dealer mowed his lawn and out of nowhere, little baby grass started sprouting in my previously dead yard.it’s all pretty and the weather is nice right in time for me to be at work all day.

Dogger, sadly, is very itchy. I’ve tried to tell her that flea and tick season is over and she can pack that itching away with her bathing suit but so far she is clinging to summer. She thinks that if she keeps scratching that somehow she can hold onto summer for a little longer. She needs to move on and I need for it to cool down enough to kill or send into hibernation whatever is chewing on her back there and making her itch this far into the season. She didn’t used to itch and all of a sudden My Dog Has Fleas is more then a rhime.

Dogger did get to spend some quality time in the front yard for the first time since the kids across the street moved in. I didn’t feel comfortable leaving her in the front yard after I noticed that the kids had started congregating out there playing with Dogger with out me there to supervise; as much as Dogger misses the kids, she was thrilled to be outside and not in the back yard. She really likes visiting with the passers by in the front yard so much more then she likes visiting with the spiders in the back yard.

It turns out that Spiders are really Borg like – you talk to one and you’ve talked to them all, I mean, Dogger said it was cool a couple a times but since then she has been complaining of the spiders circular reasoning for months . She said that the spiders are also really, really clubby and just about impenetrable for a non-spider to make any head way with and forget about being able to choose what the book clubs’ Book of the Month is going to be, Answer? Charlottes Web for the 279th straight month. The only time they considered a non-spider themed book was when they briefly discussed reading Old Yeller and Dogger thought that was a jibe at her. It was really uncomfortable for her and she ended up dropping out of the Book Club.

Now that it is so nice out I felt comfortable opening one of the windows in the office so that Dogger can get some fresh air during the day. It had the unintended consequence of drawing The Kitty into the room as well. The Kitty does not go in there if Dogger is in there too and over the weekend Kitty and Dogger shared the space. Kitty was in there so he could hiss nasty things to the feral cats that hang around on my porch. I don’t know what they were saying to each other but I noticed Kitty later on the computer looking up libel laws and personal injury lawyers. Kitty and I may need to have a talk later on. I’m not sure I want to have my cat adding to the number of nuisance suits clogging up the courts. I wonder if Animal Plant has a Judge Judy? Because I know I don’t want this to go to Animal Cops, I have too many teeth to be arrested on national television.

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