Friday, December 16, 2005


I went out into the rain this morning so that I could go get ice for an office birthday party. I am the only who can do this. The rest of the office is unable to find the cooler, take the cooler out to their cars, drive to the building with the ice maker, remove the cooler from their cars, carry the cooler to the ice maker building, open the door to the building while carrying the cooler, walk to the ice maker, position the cooler next to the ice maker, make the ice maker come across with the ice, put the ice in the cooler and repeat until the cooler is full and then bring the now full cooler back to our building This is beyond the rest of the people in my office. I am the only one you can do this.

When I go on vacation they go with out ice at parties because they can’t figure out how to get the ice themselves – “Okay! Yay Birthday party! Where are the drinks! Yay Diet Lemon Flavored Cheerwine! Oh no! There is no ice! Where is the ice! Diana is not here! What are we going to do with the soda? Shit. Someone go run to the store and buy some ice”. No kidding, this has been documented. If I am not here to go get the ice for them they have to go out and buy ice. I am the only one who can take the cooler to the other building and get ice. Just me.

Today I walked in the cold and pouring rain to my car, I walked from the car to the ice machine in the cold and pouring rain, I walked back to my car in the cold and pouring rain I then went from my car to my building carrying the now full and heavy cooler in the cold and pouring rain.

As I walked into the building I heard “Hmmm. Your coat is soaked! Raining out, huh?”, “Wow. You got wet” and “Sure is cold out, huh”.

Anyway. I left the cooler in the room where we hold lunches. I go back to my desk and I go back to work or I search for pictures of baby polar bears, whatever. Time passes. I go down to check on the progress of lunch – it is not ready yet. I have to do this because they forget to call me when it is ready, the excuse being that I’m all the way at the end of the hall! “Oh My God. It’s practically a long distance call”.

Ten minutes later I go down the hall again, and there they are, eating and enjoying drinks full of the ice I went through the cold and pouring rain to go fetch. They forgot me again.. Oh. I thought I called everyone, Look around Einstein, is everyone here? “Oh, it’s all right, there is plenty of food”. Yeah, that makes it okay. Gawd.

Speaking of the pouring rain. The dogs, as neither has shown any proficiency in using a litter box, are going to need to go out in it. I can hear them all ready “But it’s cold out, and raining and nasty! We can hold it! No! No! Look, here we are holding it and being calm and happy. See? No problem, we can wait for it to stop raining before we have to go out. Honest.”. I need them to be able to void but also important, they have to go outside and run around and burn energy that they can not burn in my house. I do not want to have to spend the entire evening with two huge dogs that have been cooped up all day. But most importantly, it’s about their bladders being empty. Nephdog couldn’t hold it the other day and took a big dog pee in the office room. He didn’t want Dogger to take all the blame for destroying the dish box/tree stand all by herself. It was hours before I got home and by that time the office and soon the whole house, smelled like a dog groomer’s waiting room.

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